Friday, August 31, 2012

Healing and Recovery

It has been five days since Brennan's accident but it feels like it's been a month.  Things are much improved here.  He has healed up faster than we had imagined he would and we have a better hold on the situation than we had anticipated.  At first it seemed like just an unbearable thing but we have adapted and we have taking care of him down to a science, especially the bandaging part.

His face has really healed up and maybe look almost normal quite soon.  We bathe him every morning and wash his face to get the old ointment off and then we put ointment on it about 7 times a day. 

Brennan's hand still looks a little bad to me.  Dan says he can see the difference in it and it looks better to him every day.  It will be interesting to see how his doctors feel about it next Tuesday.  I hope they think it has improved a lot. 

Other than bath time and bandage time, where he still screams a lot and he's miserable, his life is pretty normal.  He laughs and plays as rough as always.  We have even adapted so that he can spend time outside because he loves it.  We try to walk in the early morning or early evening so there isn't direct sun on his face.  If the sun is out, we just pull the stroller backwards.   He has really been wanting to go outside in the back yard.  Today I put a plastic band over his sock hand, with tape, which is the same thing we do when he eats.  That way he can play on the ground and not get his bandage dirty or wet.  It worked perfectly.

He helped me pick up the apples with his one good hand:

Thursday, August 16, 2012


Brennan got his first hair cut tonight.  We decided to take him because his hair was getting really fuzzy and sticking up from his head and falling over his ears. 

He got to wear a kids cape and he wasn't too happy about it.   I think he didn't like the clippers either, even though they were almost totally silent. 

We were really happy with how it turned out, it's way shorter in the back and it does not hang over his ears now. 

We got lots of pics and vids of him getting his hair cut, of course.

Post haircut pics, he looks like a big boy now.

The hair cut video.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Brithday Party post

I'm finally getting around to doing Moosey's actual birthday party post. 

We decided to have his birthday at the splash pad this year.  It's kind of nice to have one kid with a summer birthday party.  I was looking forward to it because of the outdoor party options.  It was perfect for all the cousins too that got to have fun in the water.

For some reason it was my idea to make Brennan snake cupcakes.  I have always wanted to try out rainbow cake, so we went to the local cake store and bought all the special dye colors to make the vibrant rainbow cake colors with.  The cake store in Spanish was amazing.  Sadly we will probably only go in it once or twice a year.  Sara has already requested that we go back to the cake store for her birthday party next year too.

Dan's job was to make the frosting for the cupcakes.  He made a lemon/lime frosting for the rainbow cupcakes and chocolate for the chocolate ones.

Sara got to work sorting the candies for the designs on the cupcakes, she liked this job a lot.

The pretty rainbow cakes baked up perfectly.  I can't say it was worth all the effort but it was fun to do it this one time and they were pretty.

At the splash pad, we claimed a pavilion and set up. 
Brennan waits for everyone to show up, wearing his party hat.

The snake cakes

Blowing out the candle. Birthday song video.
The cake mess, I think he enjoyed his birthday cupcake!

Then after everyone got good and covered in sticky cake and frosting, we hit the water jets.  Smart idea I thought.  We didn't have a messy baby for long.

I think Brennan had a great birthday, I'm sure he won't remember it but hopefully someday he'll look back at this blog and smile :)  Happy 1st Birthday sweet little boy, we love you lots!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

We have walking!

A couple of weeks after his first birthday, Brennan started to walk.  We were excited that Nanna got to be here to witness it.

Evidence that Brennan and his sister have fun with his new car.

It's not very graceful but he can get into his car by himself by climbing over the side.

At his last doctor's appt we found out his slightly anemic and we also mentioned to the doctor that when he gets angry and cries he will sometime hold his breath, turn blue, and pass out.  The doctor said that being anemic correlates with that behavior and makes it worse.  We are treating him for the anemia and hopefully the breath holding spells will lessen.  So far, he has a passing out spell sometimes once or twice a day, and some days not at all.  Seeing his Dad walk away into another room seems to set him off the worst.

He is a very intense little dude.  He really knows what he wants and when he wants it.  He likes things all his way.  He's also really observant and smart.  He has already figured out how to drink his bottle and hold it by himself.  He maneuvers obstacles really well and he repeats sounds and makes up funny games.  He turns the turn signal on on his little red car and turns his head back and forth with the clicking sound and looks at you and wants you to do the same.  Also, he likes to blow raspberries a lot.  He will also give little toys and dolls rides in his scooter.

He is getting a ton of attention for walking and he really likes it, it has encouraged him to practice a lot this week.  He can take about 25 steps consecutively when he gets on a roll.  It's strange to us to see him walking and we'll miss the turtle crawl which is getting less and less common.

Other random videos :

More scooter pushing   

Brennan pushes Sara in the car