Sunday, September 29, 2013

Beanbags, beads, tinker vacuums, and boni's

Brennan likes going to the skating rink to watch sister take skating lessons but his favorite part is watching the Zamboni after her lesson is done.  We always stay 10 minutes after her lesson to watch the Zamboni.  He calls it a boni and it's cute, so I wanted to get it on tape. 
Someday soon maybe he will get to ice skate too.

B is also happy with the new bean bag we got in the play room.

He also loved his farm stringing beads that Nanna sent.  

The kids love to play with Tinker Toys and they make fun items like wind mills and lawn mowers or vacuums and then give them funny names.  They take it really seriously too.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Going hike a hike

Brennan loves to go "hike a hike" as we call it.  He asks for it by name, jumps up and down, and spins around.  This weekend we hiked up to Escalante Cross.  It's a short hike, about a mile and a quarter.  He hiked the whole way with Sara and I helping him along.  When we got to the top, there was a very cool rock that he had a blast climbing around on.

He loves his big Sister
 Sara found a lambs ear plant and was telling Brennan to feel it.  They also found and smelled Sage and Mint.
Also, this week Sara put her dress on B who was more than willing to wear it and twirl. 

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Princesses and messes

Brennan talks about princesses all the time.  Every time he sees dresses or dolls he says princess!  Also he asks to be a princess and wear the tutus that Sara has.  He also loves to play with a doll that she has that was Grandma Bell's doll, a Russian doll.  He and Sara carry it around the house and play "parents".  It's really cute, I should get a video of that.  Also, this week when I painted Sara's nails, he insisted on having his painted too, so we did.  He has blue sparkly nails and pink toe nails. 

I'm not that worried about it, although I do take his tutu off before we go in a store.  I feel like maybe it will bring out his sensitive and nurturing side and when he's old enough it will work itself out.  We have relatives whose boys are very tough, always hitting and wrestling and honestly I'd rather Brennan keep that kind of behavior to a minimum.  If parents do have any influence over how their children turn out, I'd rather steer him towards art, music, dance, outdoors activities, etc and less the football, karate, kick ass and macho type mentality stuff.  Who knows, he may choose that someday anyway but for now, he's happy with being our little biking princess. 

Dan is dabbling in toilet training Brennan and I'm not sure I'm really on board.  He toilet trained Sara and I'm glad he's willing to take on the task.  However we waited until Sara was three and she was totally ready and it went smoothly, or maybe it was just because she is Sara and has always been easier to deal with.  With Brennan however, he can't communicate as well, so we can't really explain to him why you have to wash your hands and why you can't just run around the house with no pants on peeing all over everything.  I'm afraid it's just going to mean lots of hassle and nightmare type trouble for me and it's unnecessary torture, if we just waited.  

Case and point, he thinks it's OK to take off his pants and diaper off now whenever he wants.   He's apparently feeling a new freedom and running with it, literally.  This week he walked up to the toilet and peed on it, not in it, close but no cigar.  Also, while I was talking to a neighbor, he ran inside and I assume he tried to sit on the toilet and poop, but the poop ended up in the diaper and he took his diaper off himself.  Then he came back out, naked on his bicycle and ran around the yard naked in front of everyone.  Anyway, I was terrified to go back into the house to see what kind of mess was in store for me.  Sara helped me hunt down his diaper and we totally got lucky that he just stepped out of it and didn't play with the poop or walk it all over the house.

I told Dan all of this and he still wants to try and toilet train him now.  I just think it would be easier and better for everyone if we waited until B's communication skills are better, and his maturity but I guess I'm along for the ride.  I just really don't want poop and pee all over our new house but maybe it's unavoidable anyway. 

 On a brighter note, we've been doing even more arts and crafts and B has really been getting into them.  He gets a certain look on his face when he's really entertained and fascinated by something.  He had that look doing these activities and he was for sure really into it.

Painting, I got a vid of him doing paints, funny to see the difference between how he paints, very messy and to compare it with his sisters.

Moosey really enjoyed playing with our homemade play dough this week too.

He was really proud of this little alien that he made.
Brennan is really sweet, he asks for hugs and kisses and says " snuggle" and then will roll all over you like a little puppy.  He really loves to read books, mostly the my first word books but Big Red Barn is his very favorite book.  We read it at least 5 times a day despite the fact that it is falling apart and missing pages.  It was Sara's favorite too.
He loves playing trucks and he has a large ball that we play with in the house.  He still asks to ride his bike all day long, it's probably his favorite thing.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Bikes and Tutus

Brennan is a tough guy with a sensitive side.  A lot like his Dad, he can be very sensitive and compassionate and very tough at the same time.  Brennan lives for his bike, just like his Daddy too. 

Brennan is very confident on his new bike.  He even stands up on the frame and rides it doing tricks.  No one can believe it when they see him riding it.  He jumps curbs and does tricks.  Sara has been wanting to ride in the dirt hills behind our house.  Brennan likes it too and he goes down the dirt hills also, sometimes he does fine and other times he crashes at the bottom.  We should really get him some gloves and pads.
Here is a video that unfortunately I took in the dark of him riding his bike down the hill. 
He has no fear just like his sister, who is also riding the hills with her bike with no training wheels!  Brennan is also learning to stop and watch for cars when he rides on the sidewalks, so we hope that he is eventually going to get the maturity he is now lacking for the responsibility of riding a bike.

He also shows his sensitive side.  He talks about playing princesses with his sister and he likes wearing her tutus and sparkly shoes.  Also he can really bust a move and do some good flips.  

Also he has been really getting into painting with sister.  He was so excited to us a real paint brush instead of finger paints and he kept saying "Look-it" for me to look at what he was doing. 

Brennan is super cute and just as challenging.  This week he held his breath and passed out face down in a pile of mud.  It might have even been funny if it hasn't been so sad :(