Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Moose and Munkey play together more and more every day.  I was hoping there would not be very much competition between them as far as toys but there seems to be.  Sara does not like him touching her things and she always wants to be playing with what he's playing with.  Once he starts complaining about her taking away his toys, we're in for it.

I tried to get a video of him showing how fast he crawls now, it's lightening fast.  I also wanted to get a vid of the playing and I got one that kind of shows how they play together.

Then I tried to get a photo shoot of the two of them together, just so I can have periodic photos showing how big Brennan is getting.  They were both being silly and then when they both started to cry it was time to be done.

Monday, May 28, 2012

10 Months

Brennan just recently turned 10 months old!!  Wow, it seems like he was just 9 months old yesterday.  He is growing up so fast.  I'm really happy that he's growing up so fast because little babies cause me anxiety, especially when they're sick or when they hit their heads, both of which he did a lot. It makes me sad he's getting so big so fast too because he'll likely be my last child and he's just so cute as he is.  I wish I could freeze frame him.

He seems to be picking back up on his weight or at least not losing any.  He was on some iron drops and that seemed to help give him some more energy as well as he hasn't been sick for a while and he's eating about twice as much now.

I've been really into making beans so he's been eating lots of beans and cheese. I usually make him a bean mash including cheddar, quinoa, and broccoli tops.  He loves it and I eat if for dinner sometimes too, it tastes really good.   This week I'm making a big pot of kidney beans and then some cornbread to go with it.  He's never had corn bread before so I'm excited for him to try that.

He's pretty much a finger food eater now and sometimes he does not like to be spoon fed.  He eats steamed peas, bread, grapes, cheese cubes, raisins, and pears all chopped up into smaller pieces.  He does not seem to like bananas all that much.

He still likes shakes too.  Today he had a banana, orange, strawberry shake with fresh mint leaves.  Also, he will eat my green shakes.  Earlier this week he at a parsley and pear shake.  He seems to really like parsley, I had put a lot in the shake and when he plays in the yard he almost always works his way over to my parsley plant and starts eating it. 

He has his top two teeth in now too and Sara likes to go around telling everyone about his teeth.  She likes to look in his mouth a lot and count his teeth.  Also Sara and Brennan really like rolling around on the floor together wrestling.  Brennan is so tolerant of Sara rolling him around and man-handling him, it amazes me.  He hardly ever complains about it and when he does, that means he's done but he really puts up with a lot.

He hasn't been puking as much so we got the carpets cleaned finally!!  Such a relief!  Also, he still falls from time to time and hits his head but not quite as much as before.  Also, he's been letting go of whatever he's standing up on and standing by himself for a few seconds.  He did it in the bathtub the other night and that was kind of scary, but he stood there by himself for a few seconds.   I still don't know how close he is to walking but I think it will definitely be by his 1st birthday.

He seems to have a very serious nature about him.  He likes things the way he likes them and food when he wants it.  He is easy going and likes to have fun too though and likes to be going places.

He had a quick bought with not wanting people to hold him but I'm wondering if that's over now because he's let lots of people hold him recently without complaining.

We are really getting excited for his 1st birthday.  I was thinking of having it at the splash pad but we haven't decided yet.  Also, we'll be really excited if Nanna can come out for a visit and the party.

Brennan couldn't be any cuter, his cheeks are rosy and he's got a really bright clear face and eyes.  Dan and I both stare at him a lot and we think he's adorable.   Also, everyone always remarks on how big his hands and feet are.  His Aunt Lisa says he has, "Toddler Hands" already.

I tried to upload more pics but the website is not working.  Maybe this video of him walking with  Dan will work at some point too.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Brennan had his 9 month check up appointment today.  It was a little late because he turned 9 months on our trip to Bama.  Also it was a good day to go to the doctor because he woke up with a fever and not feeling well at all.

They weighed him and measured his head and length.  He was in the 65th percentile for his head growth and 75th for his height.  His weight (19lb) had dropped him down into the 25th percentile though, which really surprised me.  The doctor said he does not look underweight and that his other growth indications are still good, so he's not too worried.  He thinks it'ss because Brennan had RSV last month and an ear infection.  He said just to feed him a little extra this next month, which shouldn't be a problem, he eats like a horse.

The doctor checked out his ears, which I was really worried about.  I was prepared to ask for a ENT referral today if his ears looked bad.  Luckily his ears were normal, not even any fluid.  That is a really good sign.  I am so hopeful that he just had his last ear infection and that he will outgrown them now.

They checked his iron level and he was a bit anemic, so he will take iron supplement drops and we will keep giving him orange shakes to help him absorb it better.

He had a 100.1 fever and a runny nose and is just crying a lot today.  The doctor said he might have picked up a cold but it didn't look serious and his throat looked OK.  Brennan was glad he didn't have to get any shots today, only the finger poke for his iron check.  Both the doctor and nurse noted how friendly he was with them even though he was feeling bad.  The nurses said that usually kids are really afraid of the doctor and staff by this age.