Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Mr. Moose turns 1 : has hot wheels and rainbow cakes

Dan stayed up late last night putting Brennan's car together and we all waited anxiously in the living room for him to come out and see his present the next morning.  He was surprised and very attracted to it right away.  The first thing he wanted to do of course was push it around, then Daddy put him in the driver's seat and took him for a spin around the house.

I worked long  hours putting together a special cake mix for Brennan.  I've always wanted to try a rainbow cake and I decided to make a snake cupcake with rainbow cupcakes.  It's complicated but I'll get the final pics up and all will be made clear.

Here are the preliminary pics from putting it together.  Sara and Nanna had lots of fun watching me make the different color batters for the cupcakes and then put them all in layers.

One color down, 5 more to go.  It took me about an hour to layer all the batter carefully into the 12 cupcake wrappers.

This is what they look liked baked.  I'll get a cross section so you can see the rainbow when we eat them.

Dan is making a special lemon/lime frosting that tastes amazing and then we'll decorate them to form a snake!!!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Scooter Dude

Brennan is almost a year old and he really gets around.  Anything he can do to scoot around or push on things he will, so that he can ride them around. We recently got this little airplane out from the basement and he's been having a blast pushing it around.

Sometimes he rides this little cart on wheels too.

His favorite thing to ride though is this little cart on wheels.  We even took it to Lisa's when we stayed with her because he can't go without it, he rides it all day all over the house.

 I took some cute vids of him riding his "scooter" as we call it.

Scooter 1 vid
Scooter 2 vid

He also pushed Sara around on the airplane.  They had fun chasing each other and taking turns pushing.

we got him a little shopping cart for his birthday, I hope he likes pushing it around too.
 Brennan really likes anything involving motion, he much more of a "doer" than Sara was.  He constantly has to be on the go where as Sara would sit still with you and was more socially interactive.  Brennan lives for the thrill of the wind in his hair.

He is different from Sara in a lot of ways. He can be pretty insistent and demanding, he for sure knows what he wants.  He will scream really loud in restaurants which is something we didn't expect  because Sara never did that.  However he is also very friendly and loves to laugh and smile.

 He always has to be around people. Wherever Sara and I are, that's where he wants to be, he will rarely play in a room by himself.  Usually he's under our feet.  His favorite thing recently is to be held and especially if Daddy is holding him.  He's gotten the idea that Dan comes home at night and about two hours before Dan is due home form work, he starts saying dada in anticipation.  He really loves his Daddy's attention.  

He eats everything now except for recently we tried peanut butter and he did break out in a rash, so we're holding off all nuts for now.  We just switched him over from formula to whole milk and he's doing well with that.  

It's hard to believe that his first birthday is coming up.  It went by so fast.  He is such a great addition to our family, we can't imagine life without him.  I feel really lucky to have him here since having kids for me is not that easy and he was a big kid.  Getting him here and making it to a year for me feels like a big milestone.  It was a lot of work but it just gets better and better and hopefully easier in some respects, from here on out.