Monday, September 17, 2012

Almost There!

Brennan has made huge progress in the last three weeks.  Some people say it was their prayers and God that did it and I don't know but I like to think it was mostly the good care we took of him and his ability to heal fast because he's a kid.

His face is totally healed up, only pink skin is left and we put aloe and vitamin E on it several times a day.   We are only wrapping 2 of his fingers, and soon to be on only 1 finger.  His ring finger received the worst burn, followed by his pointer.

He visited the doctor today for his follow up and they were very pleased with how everything looked.  They told us that we are shifting from the wound healing and and bandage phase into the scar prevention phase which lasts the next 20 years of his life.  The doctor said that any burn injury that takes longer than three weeks to heal is more likely to scar, as well as people with fair skin.

He said the scaring, if it occurs, will peak within the next 3-6 months.  We have to feel his skin every day for bumpy lumpiness or change in texture and if we find it, call them immediately.  The faster they catch it the better they can help him.  If we notice scaring, we will take him to the burn center and they will see if they can use scar reducing techniques such as making him a tight glove he would wear at night or putting silicone patches on his face at night. 

They said that he will grow and it could even be 10 years from now that he has trouble, if he hits a growth spurt it could be that all of the sudden his hand feels really tight and uncomfortable and so we won't know what the future holds for him long term.  I think if he has any trouble it will be with his ring finger but all of his fingers are pinkish purple and look like they have very strange skin on them.  I guess we'll have to see what happens.  Maybe we'll get lucky just like we did with his wounds healing up.

We've been giving him extra supplements in his diet to maybe help him.  I've been giving him green shakes with purified fish oil caps, chia seeds, liquid vitamins, and we have been feeding him eggs to hopefully give him lots of omega-3 fatty acids.  Omega 3's are supposed to help reduce inflammation and hopefully will help his skin from the inside, along with the aloe and vitamin E topically.

I'm also glad to report that he is totally off his pain meds.  He had a little withdrawal from the lortab, because he was taking a lot of it for a while, but he's good now.  Also, he is finally sleeping through the night again!

He has to go back to the burn clinic in 1 month to check for scaring.  They are going to keep a close eye on him.  We are glad that our weekly trips up to the U are now only monthly trips.

Also, he has been his usual active self.  He has learned some not so good behaviors lately, probably typical boy behaviors that we didn't see as much with Sara.  We've been trying to teach him not to hit lately and it's probably a result of him having someone else to hit.  He thinks it's funny to go up to Sara and bonk her over the head with his hand.  However he likes to drum on lots of things by whacking it with his hand, so it might just be an extension of that.  She however has become quite sensitive to it and we've been trying to teacher her to teach him how to be nice.  He does seem to listen to us though when we tell him no, he has a good memory, and he has not done it as much.

Also today he learned to say the word "Go".  It was really cute, he kept saying it over and over again.  It's a pretty fitting word for our family, we like to go a lot.  He also will "quack" like a duck, it's really cute.

He got his first pair of tennis shoes and he really likes wearing them and he loves to walk in them.  His walking has really improved, he will walk beside you while you hold his hand, without deviating too much.  He is at a really cute age where he's learning a lot and he's a barrel of monkeys.  He loves to laugh and throw himself in my lap with wild abandon.  We really enjoy our little Moosey guy and we are so glad he's getting better so we can play and squeeze and tickle him again.

Also he loves to play in laundry hampers just like his sister.

My fav pic of them

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