Friday, November 9, 2012

Leaps and Bounds

Brennan is 15 months old and he's changing so fast right now.  He says so many new words.  He even copies sounds that we say to him.  While his grandpa was visiting he said Grandpa.  He also tries to copy multiple words and he babbles a lot too.  I think he'll have this talking thing figured out in no time.  He is probably a little less verbal than Sara was, after all her first word was snowshoeing, however I can imagine in three months that he'll be starting to talk.  Here is a blog post comparison of her at three months older than he is now, just for fun.

Most surprising to me, the other day we sang a word in the tune of Hot Cross Buns and he sung the word back with the right notes.  Maybe he has a really good ear too.  He loves going to Sara's music class and shaking the maracas and bells.  I think we are going to have to start paying for his lessons soon if he keeps participating.

He has become even more active lately too.  He climbs everything he can climb.  We have stopped trying to keep him out of chairs and off the sofa because he's an expert at climbing.  Instead we are trying to teach him to sit down when he gets up there, so far it's not going well.  He's a climber and an adventurer.  He also loves to try and jump out of chairs, which usually ends in him landing on his head.  He will cry and then do it again.

He has learned to ride his airplane by scooting his legs and several months ago, he learned to use his "lawnmower" as a scooter.  I think he's already ready for a push bike or a trike, of course now it's winter.  By Spring though he'll be ready to roll.   He will need a helmet.

We've been trying to feed him more, but so far he's eating about the same and I think his weight is the same.  He is so active he probably burns off the extra calories.

He can do a kissing noise and he gives high fives excitedly too.

Every day seems to be filled with something new.

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