Thursday, February 26, 2015

2015 a busy year

Brennan is having a busy year.  He got into preschool, so he goes Tues and Thurs.  In the fall he will go Mon,Wed, and Fri.  He LOVES preschool and gets upset if he's too sick to go.   This makes me really happy.  So far he does not seem to be as engaged with it as Sara was but I'm sure he'll figure it out.

He also started violin lessons.  He has a really good teacher.  So far he's just learning the basics, like how to hold the bow by making "bunny fingers" on his bow hand. He has a pencil with a little divot for his thumb that he holds like a bow.  Also the teacher let him borrow a small foam violin that he practices holding.  She wants him to learn to respect the instrument before we rent a real one.  He also has to listen to his Suzuki music a lot.  When we aren't listening to his, we are listening to Sara's.   I'm excited to see what the future brings, it would be cool someday if I could play duets with him or if Sara could play accompaniments on the piano.

We've given up on swimming for him until next fall.  So in the mean time I am trying out gymnastics and hip-hop.  I'm not sure we'll keep going both but we're checking it out.  He loves both the classes.  He's a real card at hip-hop. 

We've been skiing, hiking, and biking so far this year.  I love taking pics of him, so there are a lot of pics.

We had a really fun hike out by Topaz Mtn.  He had fun looking for rocks.

We also went out to the Great Salt Lake and Stansburry Island.  At the GSL, he ate salt and splashed around in the water a lot.  When we hiked to the top of Stansburry he went nuts picking all the Juniper berries.  He easily hiked about 4 miles that day, some of it running down the trail.

Brennan can be really mischievous but he is also very sweet and thoughtful and polite.  He gives us lots of hugs, kisses, and snuggles.  He is helpful around the house, he does the recycling and cleans up the playroom.  He also is pretty nice to his sister over all and gets really excited when she comes home from school. 

One of his favorite things is running errands with Daddy on Sundays.  Very often just the two of them go out.  Dan says he really enjoys their time together running errands too.

Lastly,  he loves the trampoline and I love taking pics of him on the trampoline.  In some of the pics it looks like he's defying gravity or flying.  Those are my favorite.  Also when it snows, he loves to jump too, funny kid.   I want to take more trampoline photos and make a canvas montage.

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