Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Life with Moose

Brennan is doing well.  Much to our relief he is sleeping 12 hours a night!  I think he would even sleep longer in the morning if we didn't wake him up.  Usually Dan has to wake him up at 9 a.m. to tell him goodbye before he leaves for work.  It's been nice for me to not have to get up at 3 or 4 a.m. and to be able to lay in bed and read a book until 9. 

It's also been great that he puts himself to bed.  We have the same routine every night.  We put him in his sleep sack so he stays warm, everyone hugs and kisses him, and them we put him in his crib wide awake.  He puts himself to sleep in minutes with no crying.  During the day he struggles a bit more with his naps.  Sometimes he'll cry 5 or 10 minutes before he sleeps but it's not frantic crying just tired crying.  I try not to put him down for nap unless he's really read to fall asleep. 

I also noticed on the days he takes better naps, his room is darker due to it raining outside.  I think I need to make his window even darker for him during the day. 

This photo is funny because it looks like he chewed his hand off, he was sucking on his sleeve.  This pic shows how he can half way sit up by himself.
He has learned to sit half way up and if you put him down in a sitting position he can stay there about 10 seconds.   He can get around the room faster now.  Still not sure he's really crawling yet but he wants to follow us around the room and he can get there within a few seconds, push, pull, or drag. 

He's eating tons of new foods.  Today he ate a chicken, rice, and cottage cheese puree that he really loved.  I think his favorite is still the blueberry, apple, and maple syrup yogurt that I make for him.  I love the color of it too, it's ultra-violet (our carpet hasn't love it so much).   Now that he's been sleeping so long at night, he wakes us starving and it takes him a long time to feel full.  He has learned to scream and he screams loudly until you stuff him with food and then he'll calm down and be mostly happy the rest of the day.  I've been feeding him until he can't hold any more in the morning.

He always has a smile for us every time we look at him.  Also he's learned to furrow his brow if something puzzles him and it's really cute.   We really enjoy being around him.  Dan is always coming and taking him from me and playing on the floor with him, he really wants his Moose time.  Sara loves to play on the floor with him, lately she likes to tickle him and he really gets to laughing, and she reads him her books.  He is just a happy guy that is fun to be around.  He still can be a little bit stinky though.

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