Friday, February 24, 2012

Moosey speaks

Moose started speaking on Monday.  He says "Dada", "Mama", and "Baba".  Seven months old is the same time that Sara said "Mama" too.  Of course I followed him around with a camera all week and this is all I could get.  If he sees the camera at all he stops doing it.

Now when we put him in his bed he cries mama and dada too.  He also makes lots of loud chirping and hollering sounds.  When Dan is holding him he likes to tense up his whole body until his head turns red and grunt really loud.  He does it to me too but rarely.  One night he did it to Dan so many times that Dan thought he might be choking.  It must be a male thing.  Dan thinks that Brennan thinks he has to appear big and mean to Daddy or he might get eaten.  

I kind of wonder if Brennan is going to be really loud and talkative like his sister or if he'll end up being quieter. 

He's been crawling around faster now and getting into more trouble. I've really got my work cut out for me.  Just this week alone he tried to crawl behind the couch, he crawled up to the shoe cubby and started taking all the shoes out, and he crawled into the kitchen several times.  He's tall when he sits up too so he can reach things higher up.  I'm going to have to watch him like a hawk to make sure he does not pull anything down on himself or get any toys or chunks of food he's not supposed to have.  He's already into way more trouble than Sara ever was.

Moose loves to laugh at his sister.  She is really getting good at entertaining him.  She likes to do things endlessly that entertain him and make him laugh like pretending to fall and making raspberry noises.  He thinks she's the funniest thing ever.  She also likes to tickle him and sit him up in her lap and show him pictures in books.

This week I went down and got a bunch of Sara's baby books out for Brennan and put them on the floor.  He looked so grown up sitting on the floor looking at them, but most he wanted to determine if they were edible.

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