Thursday, March 1, 2012

Moose eat Cheerios

Brennan has started eating solid foods this week, he really likes cheerios and today I tried goldfish crackers and he was raking those into his mouth with both hands.   He gets upset now if I only give him his pureed food, he wants to feed himself little bits of food too.   He makes a huge mess.  I have to uncover layer upon layer of food off of him when he gets out of his chair and usually he has a ton of food stuck all over his butt.

Moose finally caught the cold that we've all been suffering with for three weeks.  He just has a runny nose and a barking cough but it's not too bad.  I don't think he's going to get really ill like we were.  He's amazing that way.

He goes around the house saying "Mama" all day.  I can't believe I haven't gotten a better video of it.  It's really really cute.  He loves to be picked up and follows me around the house begging to be picked up.  If I'm doing something in the kitchen he crawls in there and plops himself down at my feet and keeps saying mama until I get him. It's pretty funny.  He's really clear about what he wants.  Also if he's hungry he'll crawl over to the high char and sit under it until I put him in.

Today he got one of Sara's toys and banged it on the back of a pan, he was happy with himself that he made an instrument.

Moose is such a good baby.  He never complains unless he's tired or hungry and he's good to crawl on the floor and play toys by himself, as long as he's not tired or hungry. He's always laughing and smiling at us too.

Brennan's eyes are so bright and pretty.  He's such a cute kid.  I still can't believe he doesn't have any teeth yet though.   I think he's getting closer to 18lbs now, he feels really heavy when I toss him up in the air like he likes to do.

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