Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Not a dull moment here

Brennan really gets around and he's stressing out Mommy! Today we had to move all the shoes up to the top cubicle in our kitchen, he's able to reach higher and higher every day.  I had to move my cactus plant stand out of the room onto the landing.  The landing is getting crowded with the stuff we've had to move.

 Today he sat under the piano bench and pulled down the batting underneath (in the time it took me to make tea).  He reached behind the fish tank and tried to pull the chords and grab the fish net out.  He knocked over the lamp on the changing table (because changing him at all is like wrestling a bull), the shade melted some onto the light bulb.  He is into so much more trouble than Sara ever was.

In some ways he's an easier baby, he sleeps better, travels better, he's less sick overall, eats better, and seems much easier going.  But he does like to be very active and into everything. 

 Also today, and this is my worst fear come true, he got a grape tomato on the floor that Sara had dropped.  I usually sweep the floor several times a day but this tomato rolled up under a leg of the table and was hidden I suppose.  I looked down and he was eating something and I saw seeds all over his shirt, then it occurred to me what it was.  I was able to sweep it out of his mouth sideways with my finger, like a hook and pull it out.  You're not supposed to reach in unless you can see the object and sweep it sideways out of their mouths. 

Luckily, he wasn't choking, he was really enjoying it.  Seeds and jelly were all over him.  He got really angry at me that I had taken it away.  So I got a small spoon and scooped out the inside and fed him small pieces of it. 

I'm going to have to watch him so much closer.  He can get places really fast and everything goes in his mouth.  I think he's just going to have to get used to sitting in his exersaucer more when I can't watch him closer.

I finally went though Sara's entire room and took out every toy he could choke on, except for her trains, which have wheels that he could possibly suck off and choke on but I can't take away her trains.  I have just instructed her to keep them up off the ground as much as possible.  I feel better now that if he sneaks into there he's not going to get something immediately that he would choke on.  It's just not worth it.

 I'm hoping that by the time he's 2, putting things in his mouth will be better, but sometimes it's 3 or 4.  I have no idea what people do with 5 kids.  I guess their babies just eat things and choke on things or get lucky that they don't.  I just read an article about a 2 year old that ate a battery and it horrified me and made me want to pick up everything in the house he could possibly harm himself on. Next I think I'll have to worry about cabinets, he hasn't figured out how to open drawers and cabinets yet, and electrical chords that need to be hidden now that he has teeth coming.

Moosey had some new foods today too.  The tomato, half a small hamburger patty, and I tried avocado again.  I'm still worried he might be allergic to it, he itched his face a lot afterwards.  He's been drinking special shakes I make him every night and everyone else in the family does now too because they are really good.  I peel 3 tangerines, 3 chunks of pineapple, 2tbsp of plain yogurt, 1tbsp of maple syrup, and a hit of vanilla.  It tastes like a cream sickle (which I've never had but Dan thinks this it tastes like one).  I also put a probiotic capsule in it for an extra health boost for us all.   The way moosey is eating, I think he'll be having food right off our plate very soon.  Oh, I also fed him salmon and cheese rice this week too.

Here's a vid I took of him eating the hamburger, you can tell he really likes something if he smacks his tongue and lips.  Also, he has 2 little teeth coming in (which could explain why he's felt bad too).  Sara wants to look at his little teeth every day, they seem to be coming in fast.  

He will be walking soon too.  His legs are getting so much longer and he stands up on them all the time.  Today he played with all of Sara's toys while standing up and he prefers to crawl with his back legs straight or off the ground, not with his knees bent on the floor.  He has discovered that one of his toys makes a good "roomba", he scoots and rides it around the room with the music playing.

  I think he really is way ahead of other babies his age physically.  There are two moms that were bringing their kids to Sara's swim lessons.  One had a girl born three days before Brennan and one a boy born 1 day after.  Neither of them are even crawling yet, I asked them just today!!  He's almost walking, ahhh!!

I'm still not sure if his ear infection is better and maybe worse, I'm not sure I trust his new pediatrician.  I had one good recommendation for him but since then I've run into people that say they don't like him.  I'm thinking of taking Brennan back in about a week if he doesn't seem much better.  Just to make sure he's OK and I will see the other pediatrician there.  I want to make sure he does not have an infection before when we go on vacation and that if he does, that I have time to treat it before we leave.  I also hope to find a pediatrician we like, it feels like were in no-man's-land right now with our doctors.  Sara needs a good one too.    

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