Saturday, March 24, 2012

Moose just hasn't been acting right, he's been really clingy and quick to cry which isn't like him.  He went through a course of anti-biotics for his ear a week ago and he's had a bad cold forever. Luckily the cold has let up some but I still was wondering why he doesn't seem right.  He is cutting at least 2 teeth now, if not three or four.

I took him back to the doctor on Friday to have him checked out and to have his ear looked at again.  I requested a new doctor because I'm losing faith in the first one we were seeing.  He's made too many decision I disagree with, including the last one of starting off treating Brennan's ear with an antibiotic that doesn't work on him and then kind of being snappy when I asked for another one.  I shouldn't have but I gave in and tried the one that doesn't work because he said just because it didn't work before doesn't mean it won't work now.  Well Friday I went to a new doctor, and sure enough, ear infection, it didn't work.

So I asked this guy for the good antibiotics that worked last time.  This kind, Cedifir, is strong and expensive and causes Brennan to have red diarrhea, but we tried 4 different kinds before and we found one that worked for him, so I'd been down this road before and I wanted to take the straight path this time.  Luckily this new doctor didn't give any hesitation and prescribed it right away.  Also he thought we might as well go ahead and treat his eye with some eye drops just in case he might have an eye infection too, something I'd also asked the other doctor about and he said don't worry about it.

I'm hoping these medicines will have Brennan fixed up good as new by the time we leave for Bama.  All I  need is a baby with an ear infection on a plane.  He is starting to feel better, besides the diarrhea part.  We are giving him Tylenol and Advil to help.  He's still digging at his ear which worries me a little.

Anyway, we're not going back to that original doctor.  There are three other ones in the practice and we will see the other ones.  I've met two of them so far and they seem pretty good, not the best, but better than the first we were using.  We still are missing Dr. Nielson very much, although Provo was just too far for us to drive.  I'm much happier running them down to the clinic 5 minutes away.

Tonight we went out for Sushi and Brennan sat in a high char at the table for the first time.  He loved it.  His favorite part was banging on the table with his hand, he loves to do that anyway all the time.  He also had tons of fun looking at all the waitresses and people and swatting at a fake bamboo plant  behind his head.

He ate a ton of food that I had brought him, yogurt with maple syrup with probiotic, chicken with potatoes and carrots, and cheerios and goldfish crackers.  Then he started to poop and because he's had diarrhea, I was really worried we'd need to wrap a towel around him before we got him out of his chair but luckily his diaper held it all!  Yay.  He was such a good boy at dinner, he didn't make a sound.

Dan and I were remarking recently, he really is such a good baby.  He usually doesn't make a fuss wherever we go and he likes to do things, he'll fits right in with us.

Also, earlier today, Moosey at 2 bowls of oatmeal.  It was his first time trying that and it's his new favorite food.  I added a little brown sugar, and chopped up the raisins really small, I even added cinnamon and I mashed up a banana in it for flavoring.  I think he's going to want to eat that every day now.

Moosey will be 8 months old tomorrow!!  It's fun to look back at how Sara was at that age.  Here are some good pics of her at 8 months, so many more teeth!!   Also, here is what she was up to at almost 9 months.

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