Wednesday, March 14, 2012

His new things

In about 10 days Brennan will be 8 months old.  He's changing so fast every day.  It seem like he gets bigger and more mobile every day.  This week at the doctor he weighed in at 19lb's.  Sara didn't hit twenty pounds until she was almost 2, I think. 

He is so difficult to change now.  When he's on his changing pad he rolls and rolls.  It's especially troubling when he has a dirty diaper.  He's flopping around like a fish and won't lay on his back.  I've had to learn to dress him upside down.  Also, he can get out of his changing pad strap now so there's no holding him back.

Brennan is pulling himself up on his crib and on toys and chairs every day now.  I have to watch him because he's not too steady and could really whack his head if he fell back. 

He's had the worst cold for 2 weeks now.  I can't wait until it's over.  He's had so much coughing and nose running.  It's been hard for him to sleep and he's so tired.  Even so, he's tried to be in a good mood for us.  We just keep taking our steam baths, using humidifiers, and he's taking antibiotics and probiotics. 

Today, Auntie Lisa made an orange, banana, strawberry, yogurt smoothie for Sara and I with her fancy Vitamix Blender.  I was holding Brennan when I went to drink it and he intercepted the glass and started drinking it right out of the glass, perfectly fine.  I couldn't get it away from him, he had a firm hold on it with two hands and drank half the glass.  I guess I'll be making him smoothies from now on.  Sara doesn't even drink out of a glass like that at four years old.  He didn't choke at all, just gulped it down really fast.

Brennan's new thing I call doing the "Alien".  Like that movie with Sigourney Weaver where the alien is in her face, dripping saliva.  Brennan takes a hold of my hair on either side of my head in a death grip and latches himself onto my face with his mouth over my nose and mouth, like he's going to eat me and slobbers all over me.  It's kind of gross and it's hard to get him to let go.  He can get away with it now I guess while his little tooth is still small.

I love sleeping baby pics and I went into his room to get this one, they are only small like this for so long.

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