Saturday, June 23, 2012

Dancing with Sister

Moosey likes to dance with Sister.  Sara takes him all around the house holding his hands.  Especially when we play the waltz music on Dan's piano, she grabs him and makes him dance with her.  He laughs the whole time so I think he really likes it too.

Here they are cutting a rug.

When he falls, she just helps him back up and they start jiving again.

They love to wrestle and roll around on the floor too.  This is a daily activity.

I'm glad that both of them are so happy and healthy.  They both are getting pretty good summer tans too.  We are spending a ton of time outside every day.  Really we are not in the house very much at all.  That might change some if it starts getting up into the 100's like it has been the last few days.  It's too bad really because we are having a blast hanging out in our nice yard, going for walks and hikes, and going to the splash pad, they also like to ride/walks in the wagon. 

Brennan is changing so much, he has gotten so much bigger and looks like a toddler almost now.  He will let go and stand up on his own for about 3-5 seconds, his eyes always get really big when he's just standing there balancing.  He is also getting more of a sense of himself and things he wants.  He has learned to scream if he's not happy and he apparently feels he has to be louder than Sara to be heard so sometimes it gets really noisy here.    Also they have gotten in their first few little tussles, usually it starts if Sara tries to take something away from him and he protests.

Overall though he's still really easy going and mellow.  This week I gave him something that he had a big allergic reaction to.  I am feeling really disappointed because we were sure he wouldn't have any allergies.  It was either peanut butter, which I think it probably was, or avocado.  I'm not going to give him either one of those things for a while anyway.  His lips even swelled up. 

Here is another round of Moosey and Munkey pics that turned out really cute!  I like how smiley he is, he always has a quick smile when you look over at him.