Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Playing with Sister in the closet

Brennan and Sara have decided that playing in the closet is fun. The love to play in Sara's closet as well as ours.  It entertains them for hours.  I got some pics of them playing in our closet today.  The go back and forth and roll under the clothes.  Moosey knows what "go get Sister" or "go play with Sister" means.  He heads right for Sara.

Sara likes to stand him up and walk him around.  He gets lots of exercise this way and he thinks it's hilarious too.  You can really see how tall he is when she walks around with him like this.  Dan thinks by next year he might outweigh Sara.

Then we took group pics, or tried to, it's really hard to get them to hold still....

Then a cute pic in our car seat.  He really is growing up so fast.

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