Saturday, October 27, 2012

15 month check-up

Brennan had his 15 month check up this week.  Everything was really pretty good.   Luckily his ear infection has totally cleared up and his ears got a clean bill of health.  His height was at 30% so nothing to worry about there.  However his weight has dropped from 22.5 to 21 lbs.  I'm not quite sure why but that set him back into the 5% for weight.  That is actually lower than Sara ever got on her weight chart, just comparing the percentages.

The doctor said that looking at him, he does not look unhealthy in any way so he's not worried about it.  He just suggested that we add more fat into his diet.  Brennan refuses to drink whole milk where he would be getting a large portion of the fat in his diet.  He does like cheese and yogurt thankfully, so we feed him lots of that.  He also gets fish oil caps and chia seeds so that he gets his Omega3's but they are not in any kind of dose to put weight on him.  He has been eating a lot lately and he even has 1 green shake a day, full strength with a lot of ginger (something that I have to leave out of Sara's shake).

I was actually surprised that his weight had dropped because to me he feels heavier and I thought we were doing really well with his diet.  I have no concerns that eventually he will catch up and sadly too,  I think he might even struggle with his weight at some point in his life.  So we really aren't that concerned as long as his weight does not drop further.

Another thing the doctor mentioned is that he has a small hernia.  I was surprised by this because lots of doctors have checked him and never mentioned it. He said it's small and should close up by the time he is 2 but it not, he will need to have surgery.

The other bit of good news is that his iron level has normalized and he is no longer in the iron deficient category.  Hopefully this will help the breath holding spells which do seem to be tapering off a bit.

Brennan got 5 shots including his flu shot and got his finger poked to check his iron and he did very well.  Sara always cried a ton and was very afraid of the doctors and nurses by this point, Brennan seems pretty unaffected as of now.  He's friendly and does not seem to mind the doctor or nurses, he will smile at them and is curious.  He is not a clinger, he wants to be out exploring everything in the office.

I did ask the doctor about Brennan's tantrums and moodiness, whether he thought it might be a personality trait or if there is a medical basis.  He said it's hard to tell but now that his ear infection is gone and his iron is normalized (iron can affect mood, behavior, and sleep) that if it's not teething or some other thing like his developmental age, it might just be his personality.  I hope not and I don't want to label him moody or grumpy yet in my mind so I'm just trying to think positive about it.  Hopefully it will resolve itself.  He does seem very much more serious than Sara was though and they will be different people, there's not question about that.

He is also being very active.  He has learned to climb up on to the couch and chairs, so really there's no stopping him from climbing anymore.  We are considering bolting the furniture to the walls though as a precaution.  He has already tipped over Sara's small bedside table.  Luckily nothing else.

Brennan does have a snugly and cuddly side occasionally when he slows down long enough.  He is really sweet.  He loves to snuggle and cuddle with me and when daddy is home he wants daddy exclusively to himself.  Also, Dan has trained him that when he says, "Give kisses" that Brennan leans his cheek in and lets Dan kiss him on the cheek.  It's really cute.

Also, just this week he gives "high fives" and he has learned the word "no".  He and Sara were in the shopping cart tonight telling each other "no"  it was pretty funny.  Sara would say no and then Brennan would repeat it and she would say back to him, "That's right NO".  He was pulling her hair or something and she was telling him to stop.  I said to Dan, now that they can just tell each other no, maybe we won't have to as much, yea right.

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