Monday, October 15, 2012

Things are good

Happily I can say that 7 weeks after Brennan's accident he is doing great.  We went for a follow-up appointment at the Burn Center today and they said he might be just borderline showing the beginnings of scaring.  We all decided we'd rather be preemptive and catch it early rather than risk having his mobility compromised on his hand.  They gave us compressions bandages for him to wear, cloth during the day and silicone during the night time.  We will put a sock over his hand to keep the bandages on.  I think because they are pretty tight, he notices them more and pulls them off more readily.   The sock should do the trick.

They noted that his hand and spots on his face are are still quite red, where as the spots on his nose and chin are almost totally gone.  They said anything that is red now is where the most severe burns were and his skin still has lot of blood flow and inflammation there causing it to be red.  They said it might be red for up to a year and those areas are at the most risk for scaring.  Scaring peaks between 1-6 months after the injury so that is why they are watching him so closely.  They don't want him to develop scars bad enough that his mobility is compromised.  They feel pretty confident that the compression bandages will work.  There is a spot that is at the top of his nose that might be starting to scar but they are more wary to put silicone patches on his face, given that he might be able to pull them off and eat them.  They are going to recheck the spot on his face in 6 weeks to see if he will require the silicone patch.

In other news, Brennan has changed leaps and bounds, even from his accident.  He has gotten taller and heavier since his 12 month check up.  He had an ear infection recently and he had gained 3 pounds and his 12 month size pants are getting too small.  He has a cute little smile that he flashes even at strangers.  He LOVES his Daddy.  He likes me a lot too during the day and we have tons of fun playing but when Daddy is home, he wants to be right with Daddy the whole time getting lots of attention.  Dan really loves Brennan every bit as much as he loves Sara, they are best buddies and I'm very glad.   He is fun to play with.  He likes to play games more than Sara.  Sara liked reading and snuggling best, Brennan likes throwing balls, banging toys, tickling, and music.

He is a surprisingly contentious 14 month old.  He has learned to pick up his toys already and put them away in the right places, put our shoes in the shoe cubicle, put trash in the trash can, and close doors.  Also today, his ball was in a basket and he took the basket down, got his ball out, and then put the basket back on the shelf.  I was pretty impressed.   It's looking good for me to have great helpers here.  Especially since Sara totally cleaned the house by herself today without even being told.  I could get used to this.  Don't get me wrong though, the two of them can make some spectacular messes too.

Brennan is very charismatic.  He has a kind of light about him and fun personality that you are drawn to.  I can't wait to see what he's like 6 months or a year from now.  He's already changing so fast this year.  I'm looking forward to Christmas this year and dreading it too, I have no idea how I'm going to keep him out of the tree.  He will want to climb it I'm sure.

Now for pictures. We recently went on a hike to Diamond Fork.  Sara and Brennan hiked hand in hand for quite a while.  They were really cute together.  Brennan had fun playing in the dirt too.

Sara took his jacket off all by herself.  She likes to feed him, put his clothes on, and take them off.  He's her life size doll.  He thinks it's hilarious when she does stuff for him too.  He realizes it's not her job.

  She likes playing ring around the Rosie

Photos more at home, Brennan loves playing piano with Dan.  He looks so friendly and happy in this photo and that's really his personality showing through.

Playing at the park.  Brennan loves the park and the slides the most.  He will go down them over and over. 

At the end of the day, super tired kids.

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