Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Growing fast and keepin' busy

Brennan has really grown up fast in the last couple of months.  He has really figured out talking and will say or repeat just about anything now.  He says "I love you" but it sounds like "Ya bo", so we say ya bo back to him.  Also he was stringing beads the other day and he kept saying "Mom, this hard".  His favorite thing to say is "I did it!".  Here is a vid of him doing buttons, too cute, I love how much he is concentrating.

He had us laughing too when he said in a deep husky voice over and over, "time out go to bed".   Their favorite song right now is "What does the fox say?" and he likes to say that over and over again and then he sings the rest of the song and tries to make the noises.

He doesn't always do what we ask him to do but we know that he understands a lot of what we are saying now.  It's been nice to be able to communicate with him better.  I can't imagine what he'll be like by Christmas because he's already progressed so fast.

He loves the new trampoline, he says trampoline and wants to go out every day to jump.  He dose somersaults on it and I'm sure he will figure out a way to injure himself somehow on it. 
Catching some air:
They want to be outside even if it's snowing, trying to catch snowflakes on their tongues
Our driveway is nice and big for riding bikes even in the winter too.  Also there is lots of good bike riding in the back yard.
We recently had Halloween here and I think it's B's favorite holiday so far.  He had a blast.  He walked the whole neighborhood trick or treating with sister.  He was running from house to house at full speed and refused to be carried and he ate his candy along the way.
It was also his second year trick or treating with Daddy at work:
Then we had a bad experience where he got into some candy with nuts in it.  He was eating his candy so fast that he was even leaving the wrappers on it.  Apparently he is still allergic to nuts.  I was hoping he would outgrow it.  Luckily some liquid benadryl helped calm this reaction down but not without some freaking out on my part.  I guess we should go to the allergist and have him tested too.
Brennan's breath holding has taken a bad turn lately too, it seems to happen when he is sick.  He held his breath one day and I couldn't snap him out of it by blowing in his face.  He turned purple and blue and was stiff as a board and his eyes were glazed.  Usually he comes right around pretty quick but this time he was out of it for a while.  It was pretty scary :(  We are still giving him iron drops.  His doctor said he might do this until he is 8, I really hope not.  I don't like it.

He goes back for his heart check at Children's in February.  I'm anxious to see what they say.  I wish his appt was sooner. 

Today the kids were both a little sick, so we stayed indoors and did arts and crafts.  I put down some paper rolls that Nanna sent them and they both painted for a long time.
This is how pretty much everything ends up with Brennan:
He also likes to play stickers and stick them on his face.
Sitting with sister:
We've been all about silly winter hats lately.  We have a moose, a wolf, and a panda bear.  Here we are in silly hats:
Here is my favorite pic of Bren so far at the fall festival :
Lastly, B's new favorite craze, Bob the Builder!  He loves it.  Luckily it's all available on Amazon Prime for free and Sister likes it a lot too.

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