Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Brennan does it

Sara and I are working on a Christmas project of making some ornaments I loved as a kid called Canvas Kissing Birds.  I bought plastic canvas and yarn and tapestry needles to work with.  Brennan saw Sara practicing sewing on the canvas and really wanted to do it.  We loaded him up a needle and gave him some canvas and he was so cute sewing.  He was really into it and even asked to do sewing the next day.  I love that he loves participating and doing whatever we are doing also he pretty tenacious about doing it.  He says "this hard" but keeps trying.

I know this is weird but I'd love it if he grew up loving to dance and sew.  I think it's admirable of men to develop their feminine side and not be afraid to show it.

He is the great copy cat, he repeats words, numbers, and songs that we sing.  He is learning things very quickly.  He is already counting to 10.  I'm kind of wondering if he might be color blind, sometimes he struggles with his colors but maybe it's just too early to tell.

Sara and I have started learning hand clapping games and we are working on learning Miss. Mary Mack.  Sara was trying to teach it to Brennan one day and it was pretty entertaining.  I've actually done Miss Mary Mack with him too and he does it better for me.  

Lastly, a cute pic:  the sleepy traveler

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