Friday, January 24, 2014

Catching up

Sometimes we call Brennan Chuck Chuck, he seems to like it.  He calls himself Brennan though.  He had a good Christmas, he was quite taken with Christmas, he's still talking about Santa and this week he asked me about the Punch Calendar and where the presents are.  It's hard to explain to him that he has to wait another year before it all comes back.

Here is a pic of them at Christmas time in Riverwoods enjoying the lights on a very very cold night.
 And a pic of him at the ice castle in Midway UT, a rather disappointing event.

He also was wondering where Nanna went after she stayed with us for 3 weeks.  He told Dan that he thought she was just hiding.  However we explained to him that she went back to Nanna's house and then he understood.

On the way back from taking Nanna to the airport, we decided to go somewhere we've never been bu always wanted to go.  Red Butte Gardens, even though it was Wintertime it was still interesting there. 

B had fun climbing around on this moose :
 They had some gigantic pine cones there, almost as big as B
We can't wait to go back in the Spring and check out the gardens with foliage and flowers!

In the next few days, it snowed a lot.  Brennan is really keen to help shovel the driveway, Sara too.  They are great shovelers and really helped me out.

 Also in January, Brennan visited the dentist for the first time.  They were really impressed at how good he was, most kids they said usually scream or don't want to lay in the chair.  He laid perfectly still and did everything they asked, he even wore the sunglasses they gave him and watched them movie while they cleaned his teeth.

Then while he waited on Sister to get her teeth cleaned, he got to brush a giant dogs teeth with a giant tooth brush.
Both he and sister had no cavities, yay!

They have been doing lots of Winter biking too, Brennan has been burning up the pavement on his bike.
lots of playing with Sister on cold days inside, playing horsey.
He likes to play with his truck and cars, he lines them up on the stairs every day, he always lines them up wherever he plays with them.  He also likes Lego's and tinker toys and building things.

Recently I took them to the Circus.  Brennan loved it until they shot off some pyrotechnics and when the motorcycles were really loud then he buried his head in my jacket and wouldn't look up.  He was kind of mesmerized by it all and overwhelmed.  When we got home he told Dan that he got to see cats (there were huge Siberian tigers) and cycles. 
He's still really cute and growing fast and we really enjoy keeping up with him

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