Monday, March 3, 2014

Random picture post

Brennan really loved the snow this year, he wanted to be shoveling snow or jumping on the trampoline all winter.

One morning Daddy decided the coffee maker was dead and decided to take it apart.  Brennan was very interested in seeing what Sara called the 'guts and brains' inside it.
Sister has been reading to him a lot.  She likes to take him in her room and they read nature magazines and books.
Brennan is trying to figure out the holidays.  He still asks me every day what happened to Santa and Christmas.  I usually tell him that Santa is sleeping, Sara tells him that Santa had to go make toys for next year.  He didn't really understand Valentines Day but he loved his presents that we set out for him Valentines morning.  I think Sara has already give him a heads up for Easter, it's one of her favorites.  He also thinks birthdays are holidays.

We recently got his hair cut and the hair dresser spiked his hair with product.  It was cute, Sara found it highly amusing.  Brennan didn't seem to notice too much.  I don't know how I feel about this hair style, people go overboard with it, so I'm not sure I'll really do it very much but it was fun to see it.
He  just got his annual heart re-check for the hole and murmur he had.  We got the best possible news, the hole closed up on its own, no surgery and no more cardiology visits!!  He is cleared and totally normal.  Yay!  Now if we can just figure out what is going on with his hernia and his low iron.
Brennan really got into helping me start seeds this year.  He helped me way more than Sara and he was really good at it.
Brennan has learned to talk more better to where you can understand a lot of the things he says.  Also he has become extra affectionate, he gives me about 100 kisses and hugs a day.  He also likes to pet our heads and say, Sister is fuzzy, Momma is fuzzy, Daddy is fuzzy, and then do himeself too.

I love some of the things he says and sings.  He sings part of the Gangham Style song every day, he says, Heeeeey, Gangnam Style, over and over.  Also he likes to ask, "Can we" a lot and my favorite thing he says is "Sure", he says it a lot and it's cute.

He loves trucks, the trampoline, coloring, his bike, mud, sand, hiking, his sister, and avocado.  

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