Saturday, October 15, 2011

Ear troubles

Brennan has had an ear infection for the last three weeks. He's been through the ringer at the doctor's office. I took him today and they said it might be looking a little better but they still gave him 2 antibiotic shots and said we have to keep giving him his medicine.

He weighted 13.7 today. He's still growing quite a bit. He's already outgrown his 3 months size clothes and is now wearing the 6 months stuff. Crazy how fast that happens. I want him to be big so I don't have to worry about him as much but also it will be sad when he's no longer a little baby, especially because he's our last (we hope).

He's been doing his tummy time as prescribed by the doctor. I got him a mirror so he could look at himself on the floor, he seems fascinated by that. He loves looking at pictures on the wall. Today at the doctor's office they had the room decorated with characters from the movie Cars and he was very interested in it. He kept staring at "Mater". Sometimes I put his bouncer under the fish tank too and he loves to look up and watch the fish.

He is really into eye contact and face time and talking and laughing with Dan and I. He keeps tabs on where we are at all times. He loves to have his cheeks and neck kissed and raspberried. I call him my "Kissy boy" and he likes it (as Sara says, although she does say that I give him too many kisses and then he don't likes it).

Nursing has been going so-so. I'm taking every supplement known to man to keep my milk going, it seems to want to die. I started taking brewer's yeast (yuck) and am drinking fenugreek tea. He's about half formula half breast milk at this point.

Today I stopped by a garage sale in the neighborhood. I was looking for Sara a cheap tricycle since hers was stolen. No luck there but the family had a lot of boy children and there was huge box after box of boy's clothes. I'm usually not patient enough to sift through things for a deal but I could tell right away that they had really nice clothes for sale for fifty cents each. I spent about 20 minutes going through all the boxes and came away with about $600 worth of clothes for $20. I was really happy with it. There are about 20 pairs of pants, 20 shirts, 5 pairs of shorts, and 5 jackets. What I also liked was they had lots of nature type t-shirts and not just all sports themed stuff like you see everywhere.

It was really good quality clothing too. They didn't have infant sizes, it was size 1 year to 5 toddler. I'm putting them in the basement and it will be nice not to have to worry about buying him clothes and especially paying full price. Especially since he'll probably outgrow them fast. I was really proud of myself for buying second hand clothes. I spent way too much money on Sara's clothes buying them new. Having a boy is fun!!

Dan thinks I'm imagining it but I think Brennan gets more and more hair every day. Maybe just wishful thinking. His eyes are still a steel gray blue color that I love. I hope they stay that way. His cheeks are still chunky as are his thighs. He's really cute! Today we saw the neighbors baby, born 20 days after Brennan, her name is Bren oddly enough. She is barely 7 pounds and looked like a premie next to Brennan. I'm glad he's big and robust.

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