Tuesday, October 11, 2011

A sad Moose

I hate that little babies and kids get ear infections so easily. Sara had her fair share of them and now Brennan has had his first one. He was on amoxicillian but after 10 days it had done very little so they put him on a stronger medicine. The new medicine has more of a chance of upsetting his stomach so we are giving him pro-biotics to try and help ward off diarrhea.

He has been doing a ton of crying over the last 10 days and has stopped being able to take naps in his bed. He takes his afternoon nap in his swing now. I'm hoping when his ear is better he can lay down in his bed again and sleep peacefully. Also I'm hoping we can get him well so he goes back to being a happy baby again and not so cranky, I just hope he feels better. I've been giving him tylenol during the day too to try and help.

We will know Thursday after seeing the doctor if the antibiotcis are working. If not, I'm afraid they might have to take a fluid sample from behind his ear drum and culture it. That will not be fun so I hope it does not come to that.

We are leaving for Moab on Thursday. I hope he sleeps the whole way down. He should since it's during his nap time that we will be driving. I'm a little nervous about this trip. It's our first trip with him. He really needs to be feeling better. Sara always got sick on trips, hopefully he won't be. Also I'm not sure I want to hike with him very much or at all. I just hope he can sleep and be in a good mood so we can all enjoy our trip.

Last night was the first night he's slept all the way through the night. He slept from 10 p.m. to 7 a.m., quite a long stretch. I still got up at 2 a.m. and 4 a.m. and checked on him with a flashlight. It makes me nervous when he doesn't wake up that something might be wrong. It's too early to say if he'll be sleeping through the night for good or if it is just because he's sick right now. It was nice to get a lot of sleep last night though.

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