Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Not another doctor's appt!

Brennan had his 18 month check up this week and I was thinking to myself, only 1 more doctor's appt when he turns 2 and then we're done!!!  Well, it was too good to be true.

His pediatrician listened to his heart and detected a murmur that he felt uncomfortable with, so he recommended we see a pediatric cardiologist at Children's Hospital up in Salt Lake for a further evaluation.  His actual diagnosis was "The heart murmur sounds a little harsh today- to be sure that he does not have a heart defect that might need further treatment, I recommend he see the Pediatric Cardiologist for further evaluation."

His pediatrician said if Brennan does have a defect that it's not severe, or else we would have noticed him being low energy and that is DEFINITELY not the case at all.  He has enough energy for 6 kids.  Mitral Valve Prolapse runs in Dan's family, almost every member of his family has it and my grandmother has it as well.  So chances are it's only something like that and nothing really to worry about.  Still, as a mother it's hard not to worry a bit.   Also, the doctor says as a hole is closing in the heart sometimes is gets "louder", and that might account for it. 

Also, Brennan has had trouble maintaining his iron levels (although the last 2 checks it was almost normalized) so at his 18 month appt they drew three vials of blood for further testing.  Hopefully the results will come back all fine.  He hasn't had any breath holding spells since he had the flu in January.  We've probably gone three weeks without one, so I'm hoping that that is finally getting better and maybe his iron will start to climb.  Anyway, I'm curious to ask the Pediatric Cardiologist if all of these different symptoms are related. 

Thankfully Brennan's growth was much better this time.  He had almost fallen off the chart last time and the doctor said if he has another visit with low percentiles that we'd have to investigate that too.  However he weighed in at 23.6 pounds, so 16% percentile, and 32in in height, or 37%, so the doctor was happy with that.  The doctor actually said his growth was "excellent".

Brennan has all the sudden started talking more, he says : knock knock, Poo Poo (Yay),  Ouch (when he hits you), and the cutest thing he says is Uh Oh.

He has also started head butting and hitting and even biting.  He bit me pretty good this week and I bit him right back.  So far, he hasn't done it again.

On the plus side, he has the cutest smile and he loves his Mommy!  He loves to cuddle and nuzzle and he likes when we sit on the floor and play trains or cars and tickle him.

He has started feeding himself with a spoon, even messy things like yogurt and he also drinks from a regular cup now, with no straw.   Also, he's not too proud to have sister feed him, he actually thinks it's pretty funny.

I'm excited to see what he is like at 2 years old.  I wonder if he'll be talking up a storm like his sister and I wonder how he'll adjust to the new house.

We love our little Moosa and it's good to know he's growing and thriving, despite the difficulties he's had.

He just went tubing for the first time this week and, being the adrenaline junky that he is, he of course loved it.

This picture says it all :

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