Friday, February 22, 2013

Hole in my heart

Brennan's pediatrician recommended we go see a pediatric cardiologist in order to asses the loud heart murmur he was hearing at Brennan's 18th month appt.  So we went to Children's Hospital and had him evaluated today.   There was a huge freak snow storm this morning too which shut down the freeway in some spots and there were accidents everywhere, which almost gave Mom a heart attack just getting there.

At the appointment they first did an EKG on Brennan.  He was covered in electrodes and wires.  In order to keep him still, the person administering it blew bubbles at him and gave some to Sara so she could blow bubbles for him too.  That kept him mesmerized long enough for the machine to get a reading.  Then he had to have his blood pressure taken on all four limbs which was no easy feat either.

Then when the doctor came in to see him she listed to his heart every which way, standing up, sitting down, laying down, from the back and front.  Amazingly enough while she was doing all this, Brennan sat perfectly still, like he must have known it was important.

After it was all over his doctor told us that all of his tests came back normal. She did hear a small hole in between his chambers and she said that possibly it is louder because it's trying to close up.  She said that there is almost no chance of him needing surgery and that by age 5 there is a likely hood that it will close up on its own.  She said until then that we should come back once a year to have it monitored and that they might do some imaging of it by the time he's 3 if it's still there.

I told her about the MVP in Dan's family and asked if it was related.  She said no, that it is a birth defect of some kind not related to any type of family history.  She said that in all likely hood he will never notice any effects.  She did say if the hole stays then they may need to tell us some things to do a precautions for him in the future.   She also said it is not related to his breath holding spells.

I hope we don't have any more issues with it and he can live a totally normal life.

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