Saturday, March 2, 2013

Flashy dresser and fast learning talker

Brennan is talking more now all of the sudden.  He will try to say any word that you say to him.  This week he was trying to say rice and ice because he really loves those foods.  Sometimes he is saying words for something and it takes me a while to figure out what he is saying.  Tonight he was helping me put away the dishes and every time he handed me something about of the dish washer he said "go".  I think he means "here you go" because he hears me say that to Sara and vice versa, but he just shortened it.  I need to get a vid of him unloading the dish washer and saying go, it's really funny.

Here is a video I got of him tonight saying a few things.  I wish I could have remember more words to ask him to say.

In addition to speaking more and laughing a lot and being a prankster, Brennan also has his own sense of style.

He loves to wear Sara's multi-colored hat, her cat hat, and her pink sparkly shoes. 

Sometimes his hair acts a little crazy too, like this morning when he woke up with a mohawk.

He is also all of the sudden eating a lot more.  I don't know why, maybe a growth spurt but he wants to be in his food chair all day long.  He can climb up in it by himself now so he does that quite often and then cries for food even if it's only been 10 minutes since he ate last. Maybe it is because he is so active.  He never stops or slows down.  This morning he walked all over the neighborhood with us without asking to be picked up. I guess he's working up an appetite.

He is a prankster too.  He likes to hide in closets and ambush us, or sneak into a room and jump out shouting.  He also likes to pretend like he's going to bite you and then say "Ow".  Lately too he has had a really maniacal laugh, he really thinks it's funny when he gets a rise out of his sister. 

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