Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Cuteness overload

We had some cuteness overload here today.  The kids are going nuts playing outside.  Brennan dumped buckets of dirt over his head today to celebrate the warm weather.  I had to clean dirt out of his ears before bed but he sure had fun.  He also ate tulip bulbs and gathered stones and pavers from all over the yard and put them in his wagon, naughty.

He loves to swing on the swing with sister and feel the G forces.  Sister holds his hand nicely so he does not go flying off, which he would probably really like anyway.

He took off his shoes to feel the plants on his toes, he loves stomping on plants.

He pulled up a bulb and started eating it.

He cries and screams and kicks when he has to come back inside.  He would spend all day outside.

In other Moosey news, he is talking up a storm and it's been really fun.  He will repeat whatever you ask him to say.  He understands the command, "Moosey, say ____" insert word and he says it.  Today he was saying Tutu, I love you, Sister, etc  Sara is teaching him the most important words like pee pee, poo poo, and farts.  It's a relief that she's taking care of that for us and we don't have to do it :)

Anyway, it's nice that we're able to communicate with him more, he understands things we say such as, "Take Sister to School", or "Go Outside", and "Night Night time".  He still apparently does not understand the word "No" however.

He has a great big sister and he does not know how lucky he is.  She really dotes on him.  She likes feeding him, tickling him, reading to him, showering him with kisses, dressing him, etc.  She does yell at him but mostly only when he goes in her room and steals her precious ponies.

He even gets to play with Sister and her friends on the driveway occasionally.

He's cute when he sleeps at night too.  I took this tonight after a long day of playing outside, he's pooped.

We love our Moosey!

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