Saturday, March 16, 2013

Things Moosey does

Moose has recently learned to walk down stairs which came just in time for Springtime and playing in the yard.  It's been nice to be able to leave the back door open and he can come and go.  He loves to play in the yard and go up and down the stairs.

He really loves playing in the dirt especially outside and very often when he comes in his hair is full of dirt, as well as his diaper, clothing, and sometimes his mouth.  He has gotten a little better about not eating it though.  Here is a video I got of the kids but Brennan loves to dig in the dirt and he has just learned to say the word "yeah", it's super cute. 

Here are some pics I got of them doing their thing in the yard.
Brennan has been taking lots of baths now that he spends the day digging in the dirt.  He loves his baths...

Sometimes his pants are saggy :)

He likes playing with Sister's MLP's too but it makes her really really angry, so he tries to sneak it in while she's at school and taking baths.   If he gets caught though, he runs as fast as he can with Sara screaming behind him.  He is really good at pushing her buttons.

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