Sunday, December 25, 2011

Fun together

Here are some recent pics of Sara and Moose hanging out together.  I feel like he is just recently big enough to hang out with Sara and for her to be able to move him around and play with him a little bit.

 I can't believe how big he's getting, just like a real little boy.

 He loves to sit and watch Sara play but now that he can scoot a good 4 feet away I have to clear a wide spot for him on the floor and watch him like a hawk.  I'm excited for him to be able to sit up on his own and really play.

 He loves his baby carrier, it's his favorite way to be carried.  He never complains in it and will go for a long walk and just look around.  He's already as big as Sara was at 1 year in it.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Great Big Sister

Sara is such a good sister to Brennan. She is always trying to make him feel better and "reporting" to us his status. Whether he "likes it", "don't likes it", or he is asleep or sad. She loves it when he smiles at her and she is always trying to get him to laugh.

Whenever she sees something she likes, she has to go show him. Tonight she was showing him her new ornaments from Granny KP and Grandpa. I let her hold him to take a photo in front of the tree and she was rocking him back and forth. He actually really liked it.

I realized that he's getting big enough to where I wasn't as nervous with her holding him and even man-handling him a little. I still wouldn't leave her alone with him but it's nice that he's getting big enough that someday we can just let them play. They are going to have so much fun someday.

We haven't really gotten Brennan anything for Christmas. Dan says the ski-trailer can kind of be his present because we had to get a double seater for him.   We are hoping for snow to be able to actually use it.

It's been really cold at night and I've been dressing Brennan in three layers of clothes. He seems to make it better through the night if he's super warm. I never had to worry about that with Sara too much because it was soon Spring after she was born. Brennan's room tends to be the coldest in the house too.

We're doing well though overall. He's still eating like a horse. He LOVES zucchini, pear, and rice blended together. I think he'll be 16lbs by Christmas easily.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Calming Down

Brennan has done so well at all our family gatherings. He hardly has even uttered a word. Mostly he just sits around smiling at everyone. He is a very smiley baby. He only cries still if you put him down or if he's hungry or tired. He just loves to be tickled and held though. I'm glad people and situations aren't freaking him out. He seems to love riding in the car and will sit back there silently. It's nice that Sara is back there with him. I always felt sorry for her that she didn't have anyone to look at while she was back there. At least if Brennan gets upset she can talk to him and it usually makes him feel better. Plus, he just likes watching her. Yesterday, while they were in the car, she was showing him pictures on her phone and playing him music, holding her phone over to him so he could see. I wish he was more predictable at night though. Some nights he'll sleep 7 or 8 hours, other nights he's up every 2 or 3. He's plenty big enough to be making it through the night at this point and Dan says he thinks it's not food he needs but that he just wants to be held. Sometimes I just go get him and rock him back to sleep but on the worst nights, he wants to stay up and play for 2 hours before falling back asleep. I can't wait for him to start sleeping more regularly. I've tried dressing him warmer, thinking maybe he was getting cold, and that seemed to help a few nights. So far, Sara has been the much better sleeper. I'm just hoping Brennan can adjust as he gets older. At least Dan and I have started taking turns getting him, which will help.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Sleep Moosey, Sleep!

I love sleeping pics of my kids. This is the first real pic I've gotten of him in his bed. He slept 9 hours last night and still sleeping!

Friday, December 16, 2011

The sounds he makes

Brennan is learning to make new sounds this week. He does a bubble blowing raspberry and is moving his lips differently. He also scowls his little brow in some new expressions. I got him on video practicing his foot eating and talking today. Also this one where he sits with Sara. Also, Sara likes to have him sit on her bed and play with her or watch her play.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Eating our potatoes

Moosey thought it was funny when I wiped his nose after he sneezed. I got a video of him cracking up. He ate 2 bowls of sweet potatoes and rice cereal today and a bowl of pears and zucchini mixed. I wonder what he will weigh by Christmas. His body is really getting longer. I just bought some 9 months onesies that are almost getting small, I should have gotten the 1 year size clothes.
We're still struggling with his crying some but it has also gotten better in other respects. If we're home he likes me to be holding him the whole time still. While we're out he's gotten much better. We've been to a few parties now and he didn't utter a peep, he just looked around watching everything happening. He's been wonderful at Sara's music classes too. I think he actually likes watching all the kids in class and all the action. He's starting his music lessons early. He was really watching Sara's teacher today. Also he lets me put him down in his carrier while I help Sara and participate, which is great. He also really likes his hiking pack and he loves to be outside. I've taken him on two hikes now where he's done just fine. If Dan gets me a double ski trailer this year, he will even be able to go skiing in January. His sleeping is still a bit tricky. He still takes naps in his swing. The swing is swinging slower and slower as he's getting heavier. I'm dreading the day he's too big for it and just hoping by then he can take naps on his own. He sleeps through the night most nights. However last night he was up for 2 hours screaming his head off. I'm pretty sure there was noting wrong with him but I gave him some Tylenol and Benadryl to help him go back to sleep at about 3 a.m. It could be worse I suppose, I shouldn't complain if I even get 2 night sleep. I did put paragraph spaces in here, not sure what's happened.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Moosey laughs

I finally got a video of Brennan laughing. He hangs on to his spoon when I feed him and today he thought it was funny that I was trying to take it away. It was able to hide the camera so he didn't see it. I was tricky but I'm glad I got it on video, it's too cute not to remember.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Much Better

Brennan has been doing so much better. He makes it most of he way through the night now. We think that he's started to mature and come out of the infant stage. Just this last week as he's been sleeping better he's also been entertaining himself more and letting Sara entertain him.

I'm still really busy with him but I've been able to start cooking and going to the store again. Also we've been running errands more and it's starting to feel like we have more of a life.

I can't believe how big he has gotten. When I hold him on the nursing pillow he takes up the whole pillow.

Tonight he was sitting in his high chair eating and he was laughing at me so hard he could hardly take a bite. He was making a loud laughing sound and then waiting to see if I laughed and then when I did he would blink his eyes and laugh again. It was really funny.

He now eats zucchini, apples, sweet potato, bananas, rice cereal, and pears. He's got a huge appetite and would probably sit in the high chair and eat the whole day if I'd let him. When he's eating he's happy. When he gets hungry he gets really upset.

Saturday, December 3, 2011


Mr Moose has discovered his feet and he loves them! He got upset today because I put socks on him and he could see his toes. He really likes to get his big toe in his mouth and chew on it. He also likes to put his hands on his feet and touch them.

Tonight I made a kissing noise and Brennan thought it was the funniest thing ever. He laughed and laughed and it sounded like a real little boy. I even called Dan over to watch him because it was so funny and cute. We tried to film it with the iphone but every time we point a camera at him he stops what he is doing and watches the camera instead :( I hope he keeps that laugh though, his smile was so huge and his giggle so cute. I wish I had a hidden camera, somehow I need to figure out how to camouflage it

I'm so glad we had one more kid, it has been such a fantastic experience, so rewarding and fun. And now I know I'm ready to be done having kids, so I'm enjoying every moment.

More pics from today courtesy of Ben:

Friday, December 2, 2011

4 Month Check-up

Moosey had his 4 months checkup today and it went great! No ear infections! I hope we are done with those for good, I'm sure he does too.

The doctor talked to us about his sleep habits. He said that Brennan needs to start learning how to fall asleep on his own right now so that when he's 6-9 months he can start to self soothe and put himself to sleep. He also said we didn't need to swaddle him any more.

He also said that Brennan should be having all the green veggies right now and no fruit.

It's good that I realize that the doctors advice is only advice. I think kids will eventually learn to sleep on their own. Sara went through some rough periods when she cried but she made it. I'm sure Brennan will have rough periods too. Right now we're swaddling him because it seems to keep him cozy and warm at night and in a good state of sleep. Also he won't take naps in his bed during the day so he sleeps for an hour or two in his swing in the afternoon. I do this so that we can all get some rest, Sara included. When he cries it wakes her up.

I think the most important thing is that we're all rested and happy. I'm sure the hard part will come when he won't fit in his swing any more but by them I'm hoping he's older and better able to cope with being by himself.

Also the advice on the veggies seems well placed but I think I'd rather Brennan get a variety of foods rather than just all green to start. Right now he eats bananas, pears, apple, sweet potato, and peas. I feel good that he's getting some variety in his nutrition. I think the doctor means that we should give him too many "sweet" foods before he has his veggies. If he's going to be in this family though he'll have to eat his veggies and hopefully if he doesn't want to, Sara can be a good influence on him and coax him into it. I'm happy with his nutrition right now, he's getting a variety of nutrients from the different foods. We are probably going to be adding more foods starting this week.

I was expecting his growth to be off the charts but he was in the 50th percentile for everything, height, weight, and head circumference. I guess it's good because maybe he won't be a giant.

Here's how his stats and Sara's at 4 months compared :

Sara: Weight- 11.9 lb Height- 24.8 in Head circ- 16.4 in
Brennan: Weight- 15.1 lb Height- 25 in Head circ- 16.8 in

Surprisingly they are very similar in everything but weight! I thought he would have measured way different. Maybe they will end up being about the same size.

He got his shots today and only cried for a second, I was amazed. Sara cried for a good 15 minutes when she had hers. Also he had a very friendly disposition with the doctor, even smiling at him and he kept his eyes on him the whole time. The doctor says he watches for body language in children and he thinks Brennan has a good disposition. We also discussed him being intense and crying for me all the time. His opinion was it's nothing to worry about and to try to keep getting him to entertain himself small bits at a time.

He has been better this week about entertaining himself. Sara has also done an awesome job at helping. He loves it when she sits with him and he won't cry when she plays with him or talks to him.

I'm glad we've made it to this milestone with him. I feel like things will hopefully get easier from here on out and if not, we'll still make it through OK.