Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Eating our potatoes

Moosey thought it was funny when I wiped his nose after he sneezed. I got a video of him cracking up. He ate 2 bowls of sweet potatoes and rice cereal today and a bowl of pears and zucchini mixed. I wonder what he will weigh by Christmas. His body is really getting longer. I just bought some 9 months onesies that are almost getting small, I should have gotten the 1 year size clothes.
We're still struggling with his crying some but it has also gotten better in other respects. If we're home he likes me to be holding him the whole time still. While we're out he's gotten much better. We've been to a few parties now and he didn't utter a peep, he just looked around watching everything happening. He's been wonderful at Sara's music classes too. I think he actually likes watching all the kids in class and all the action. He's starting his music lessons early. He was really watching Sara's teacher today. Also he lets me put him down in his carrier while I help Sara and participate, which is great. He also really likes his hiking pack and he loves to be outside. I've taken him on two hikes now where he's done just fine. If Dan gets me a double ski trailer this year, he will even be able to go skiing in January. His sleeping is still a bit tricky. He still takes naps in his swing. The swing is swinging slower and slower as he's getting heavier. I'm dreading the day he's too big for it and just hoping by then he can take naps on his own. He sleeps through the night most nights. However last night he was up for 2 hours screaming his head off. I'm pretty sure there was noting wrong with him but I gave him some Tylenol and Benadryl to help him go back to sleep at about 3 a.m. It could be worse I suppose, I shouldn't complain if I even get 2 night sleep. I did put paragraph spaces in here, not sure what's happened.

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