Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Much Better

Brennan has been doing so much better. He makes it most of he way through the night now. We think that he's started to mature and come out of the infant stage. Just this last week as he's been sleeping better he's also been entertaining himself more and letting Sara entertain him.

I'm still really busy with him but I've been able to start cooking and going to the store again. Also we've been running errands more and it's starting to feel like we have more of a life.

I can't believe how big he has gotten. When I hold him on the nursing pillow he takes up the whole pillow.

Tonight he was sitting in his high chair eating and he was laughing at me so hard he could hardly take a bite. He was making a loud laughing sound and then waiting to see if I laughed and then when I did he would blink his eyes and laugh again. It was really funny.

He now eats zucchini, apples, sweet potato, bananas, rice cereal, and pears. He's got a huge appetite and would probably sit in the high chair and eat the whole day if I'd let him. When he's eating he's happy. When he gets hungry he gets really upset.

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