Saturday, December 3, 2011


Mr Moose has discovered his feet and he loves them! He got upset today because I put socks on him and he could see his toes. He really likes to get his big toe in his mouth and chew on it. He also likes to put his hands on his feet and touch them.

Tonight I made a kissing noise and Brennan thought it was the funniest thing ever. He laughed and laughed and it sounded like a real little boy. I even called Dan over to watch him because it was so funny and cute. We tried to film it with the iphone but every time we point a camera at him he stops what he is doing and watches the camera instead :( I hope he keeps that laugh though, his smile was so huge and his giggle so cute. I wish I had a hidden camera, somehow I need to figure out how to camouflage it

I'm so glad we had one more kid, it has been such a fantastic experience, so rewarding and fun. And now I know I'm ready to be done having kids, so I'm enjoying every moment.

More pics from today courtesy of Ben:

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