Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Calming Down

Brennan has done so well at all our family gatherings. He hardly has even uttered a word. Mostly he just sits around smiling at everyone. He is a very smiley baby. He only cries still if you put him down or if he's hungry or tired. He just loves to be tickled and held though. I'm glad people and situations aren't freaking him out. He seems to love riding in the car and will sit back there silently. It's nice that Sara is back there with him. I always felt sorry for her that she didn't have anyone to look at while she was back there. At least if Brennan gets upset she can talk to him and it usually makes him feel better. Plus, he just likes watching her. Yesterday, while they were in the car, she was showing him pictures on her phone and playing him music, holding her phone over to him so he could see. I wish he was more predictable at night though. Some nights he'll sleep 7 or 8 hours, other nights he's up every 2 or 3. He's plenty big enough to be making it through the night at this point and Dan says he thinks it's not food he needs but that he just wants to be held. Sometimes I just go get him and rock him back to sleep but on the worst nights, he wants to stay up and play for 2 hours before falling back asleep. I can't wait for him to start sleeping more regularly. I've tried dressing him warmer, thinking maybe he was getting cold, and that seemed to help a few nights. So far, Sara has been the much better sleeper. I'm just hoping Brennan can adjust as he gets older. At least Dan and I have started taking turns getting him, which will help.

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