Thursday, April 19, 2012

Almost 9 months

Brennan is still suffering a little from the RSV cough but he does not seem to be getting worse at this point.  Sara coughed for 4-6 weeks, so I'm sure that's what were in for, maybe 1 or 2 more weeks if we're lucky.  I hope he does not develop asthma, he has a raspy chest still.

He seems really happy though despite the lack of sleep from coughing fits and two top teeth coming in that look really painful.

Here is a spring photo shoot of him.  I like to get pics of him in his high chair because I've done that since he was about 2 months old and it's nice to have the photos for comparison.  Also, it's a place he can't move much and is upright.  The photo shoot in the yard with the tulips was difficult.  He kept wanting to eat the tulips and plants.  I think he's still super handsome though!

1 comment:

  1. Aren't we lucky to have such a charming fellow in the family !
