Sunday, April 22, 2012

goings on

Moose is finally better!! Yay and just in time for our trip.  He made it all the way through the last two nights and we have not noticed any coughing fits. I am declaring we are done being sick for the whole summer!  Or at least until after he turns one.

I hope the antibiotic is working on his ear.  He seems to feel better.  He has been pretty happy to go on long walks and play.

I've been meaning to upload these videos for a while.
Dan thinks Brennan crawls really funny.  He thinks Brennan looks like a little chimpanzee.  I think he walks like a turtle.  This is how he walks everywhere, he does not like to crawl on his knees.

Sara likes to play peek-a-boo with him in his high chair among other games.  Sometimes she gets a bit rough.

Moose eats really good.  Tonight Daddy made him sweet potato pie with various spices and regular mashed potatoes with broccoli tops.  I made him a tangerine and lime shake with mint sprigs and a dash of maple syrup and plain yogurt.  I make him a shake every day.  He likes watermelon shakes and pineapple strawberry too.  I usually put his probiotics in them so that he gets that too.  He gulps them down and you can't pry the cup away. 

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