Saturday, April 14, 2012

We Like to move it move it

Brennan has been sitting outside a lot with me even though he has been sick.  It's been relatively warm here and he likes to go outside as long as it's not windy.  I usually can get some yard work done or water my plants while he plays.

He likes to sit in his exersaucer out there so we've just been leaving it out in the yard.  It's better than him eating leaves and sticks and rocks.  I hope he outgrows that soon.  Here is a video of him rocking his exersaucer.

Last week found out Brennan has had RSV for the previous 6 days or so.  He's been having heavy coughing fits, like Sara had, especially at night.  A couple of nights were particularly miserable.  He would always start coughing at 2 a.m. and would wake up crying, I would go in to hold him and put him  back to bed and Sara would wake up complaining that Brennan woke her up, then I would put her back to bed and it would start over again at 4 a.m. and then again at 6 a.m.  Luckily we only had 2 or 3 nights like that.  It was enough for me.  I finally took him to the doctor to make sure he wasn't getting pneumonia.  

On top of my anxiety about him being sick, I was having anxiety over the fact that we still don't have a pediatrician we like or trust.  The one I sort of like the best we can never get appts with.  He never works Fridays and he's always out of town.  So we tried the last of the 4 doctors in the practice.  This last doctor works down in Payson so it was a bit of a drive down to the office by the hospital there.  Really though I'd still prefer a million times over than getting on the freeway and driving into downtown Provo and the scenery is nice driving through the country.   The office is brand new, nice, quiet and really clean.  There is never anyone there.  So different from the Provo waiting room with 40 kids in it all coughing and crying, utter chaos and you don't want to breath or touch anything while you're there.  So we met the doctor and I finally LOVE this one! 

His body language was very engaged with us, he listened closely to everything I said, never rushed us, sat on the edge of his chair, and he got bonus points for telling me that Brennan was a pretty baby.  I also talked to him about our Pediatrician that died and he started to tear up.  He says he's sad about it every day and that he was good friends with Dr. Nelison.  I told him that Dr. Neilson played French Horn and he told me he plays viola.  I took that as a sign that he's the right doctor for us.  

 He is wicked smart and he was very engaged and seemed very concerned with the well being of my kids from every angle even mentally.  He asked me what I told Sara about Dr. Neilson dying and then gave me some helpful things to tell her about it.  He also took time to give me helpful tips for flying on a plane with Brennan and his ear trouble and even what to tell other passengers if they complain that Brennan is crying.  I look forward to seeing him again and hopefully building a lasting relationship with the kids and having him as our doctor. 

Anyway, after listening to brennan's chest he knew right away that he had RSV and I told him that Brennan has been sick for 6 days and he said that's usually the peak of RSV when it's worse and then it gradually tapers off.  He said his chest did sound bad but antibiotics won't help and it's best to just wait it out.  

It's been about 5 days since the appointment now and he is getting better.  We've been doing steam baths a few times a day and that really helps him.  Also we keep a warm mist humidifier in his room going all the time.  Dan and I have experienced ourselves how much the humidifier helps when you're sick in this dry climate.  Luckily I have a humidifier for every bedroom.  I spend a lot of time cleaning humidifiers several times a week.  Summer will be here soon though and we'll put them away for the season.  I'm just glad that if Brennan had to get RSV this season that he waited until he was bigger and he wasn't 2 months old.  Sara didn't get RSV until she was 3 years old,  somehow we were lucky there.

 I've read that after they have had RSV, sometimes their colds and flus are worse and some develop Asthma.  Sara is really a cougher when she gets sick, I don't know if that has anything to do with it, she's had RSV 2 or 3 times now.  I would call her Asthmatic by any stretch yet though.  I hope Brennan doesn't cough a lot after this.

I'm starting to think ahead now to our trip to Bama in about 13 days.  I hope we can survive the plane ride without a major melt down from either kid.  Also I need them to be well, we're not doing anything or seeing anyone in the next few days that we could catch anything from. 

Once we get to Bama i hope we can just relax and have fun, at the beach too!

1 comment:

  1. A doc with Spanish first name & German? surname has got to be good.
