Tuesday, April 3, 2012

More Moosey pics

Brennan had a pretty good visit to the doctor this week.  Luckily the last antibiotic worked and his ears were not infected, only fluid behind them.  Hopefully that will drain away.  If he can make it to one year chances are the infections will taper off like Sara's did.  It's a race against time.  His doctor said if he has one more round of ear infections we should consider tubes.  I'm not ready to go there yet, but if he's still having them after a year, maybe.  We've probably spent over 1,000 dollars already on ear treatments, appointments, etc.  Much less the misery that Brennan has been in.  I'm crossing my fingers that this is the last of it.

He weighed 19 at the doctor, his weight gain and length might have slowed a little, he still pretty big though.

A new food I've been feeding him that he likes is quinoa with mashed up egg yolk, sweet potato, and broccoli tops, all mashed together and topped with melted shredded cheese.   Also he really likes mashed up blueberry and banana oatmeal with cinnamon. 

Now Brennan seems to be fighting allergies, his nose is gushing and he's sneezing all the time.  He might have a cold but he's not sick in any other way, just lots of snot.

Here are some recent pics of him and some vids of him laughing and standing, he has a really funny little laugh and I'm glad I got it on camera.  His little laugh makes both Sara and I laugh.  It's kind of a mischievous laugh, and he loves mischief.  vid 1- Standing
Vid 2 - Laughing

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