Sunday, January 8, 2012

Start the growing pains

Moose is starting to grow really quickly now.  Every day he does something different.  Recently he's really been working on crawling.  He can inch himself forward and is just weeks away from figuring it all out.  Also, he makes lot of sounds, his new favorite sound to make is "Mmmmm!" I think he is copying us saying that when we feed him his food.  When he says it he raises his eyebrows really cute.

Last time he had his check-up at 4 months, his doctor suggested we work on his sleeping to save us discomfort in the future.  His doctor's opinion is that kids should learn to go to sleep unassisted, no rocking or swaddling, or swinging.  We do need to start weening Brennan off of his sleep aids, but it'll be a painful process and a long one most likely.

For the past two nights we've been letting him cry longer in his bed instead of getting him when he wakes up in the middle of the night.  The first night, he put himself back to sleep in 5 minutes.  Last night it was a total nightmare.  He cried until 2 a.m.  We let him cry for a  half hour and then we would get him, feed him and put him back in bed and he'd keep crying.  Finally at 3 a.m. I decided I wasn't going back in there and I fell asleep.  He went to sleep at some point after than and didn't wake up until 6 a.m.  I was really thankful that Sara never woke up and that Dan was able to get up with him at 6.

Hopefully he'll get used to the idea of going to sleep in his bed.  Taking naps without his swing is the next big challenge and I'm not sure I'm quite read for it yet.  I'm dreading it, kind of.

At least he's a happy little boy when he's awake.  He loves to smile and look at people.  He seems to always have a smile for everyone. Mom was really struck by how happy he was and how much eh liked to interact and how hungry he is!  Dan comments on that all the time too, Brennan can really put away the food.   He also LOVES going on walks or being outside.  He rides facing out in his carrier and he looks at everything.  He never even protests a little.  He's going to be an outdoor lover for sure.

He likes to watch his sister and will crane his neck around to look for her if she's not in the room.  Sara also loves entertaining him and seems to know just when to fill the void when Dan and I need to do something else, she steps in.  I actually think they will end up being great friends.

Here are some pics that we all took recently.  I think they turned out great!

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