Friday, January 20, 2012

Still Trying

Just this week Brennan figured out how to sit back on his knees in a crawling position.  He will sit there and bounce back and forth.  So far he hasn't figured out how to move his arms and legs in concert.  Sara and Dan have been crawling around the room trying to "show" him what to do and we've tried holding out his favorite toys in hops of coaxing him into that first crawling step.  Here's a video I took of him this morning while Sara was trying to tempt him with her light toy (it's different than the one on FB).

We have to get our child gate up this weekend to make sure he doesn't go down the stairs once he gets going.  Also in the works, we are going to put his crib bumper on and maybe take out his foam wedge and get him more used to sleeping in his crib during the day.  I'm hoping that this will only take about 10 days and he'll get the hang of it. 

Brennan has been eating so many new foods.  Just this week he had cherry puree,  potato and cottage cheese puree, and egg yolks.  Also I've been mixing Quinoa in with just about everything.  He has his 6 month check up next Friday.  I'm excited for his measurements.  He's starting to get big for some of his 12 months clothes now and he's totally outgrown the 9 months sizes.  In no way was I prepared for that.  Hopefully some of his clothes that I planned on him wearing this summer will still fit. 

It's been so mild this week even though they predicted several inches of snow.  Today we sat out in the back yard in the swing with t-shirts and shorts on.  Brennan played in the grass.  I'm excited for summer when he can get in a baby pool and really have fun out there with Sara.  It also boggles my mind to think that he might be walking by the end of the summer.  The time is going by fast.  

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