Thursday, September 29, 2011

2 month check-up

Brennan had his check-up today. Mostly everything was OK. He weighed 12.13 and was in the 75% for height and weight. The doctor said to just keep doing what we're doing. He mostly breast feeds and has about 2-3 bottles of formula a day when he acts hungry.

The doctor did notice that his head seems to be a little lopsided in the back on the right side. He said it's important that we start to correct it now or else he could have a bulge on his forehead. He recommended to put a towel under him when he sleeps and make sure he looks to the left as much as possible. He also has a bit of a stiff neck so we have to stretch his neck to the left 5 times a day. The doctor thinks it's probably from being cramped in the womb.

Brennan got three shots today, I hate watching them get their shots! He did better than Sara though, he turned purple but only for a little bit, then he seemed fine.

He also had an ear infection from the recent illnesses we've had so now he's on antibiotics too. I'm glad we took him to the doctor today. He cried all day yesterday and I thought it was just something that I ate, but after I bathed him today a bunch of crud came out of his ear so it was probably that he was in discomfort.

Sara had her flu mist vaccine today at the doctor, she still acted traumatized about it and thought it was a shot. They should make it look like a sucker and less like a shot or something.

After the visit I went and got my flu shot because the doctor said Brennan could get antibodies from me having it.

Also I asked him if it was prudent to be cautious with Brennan in the Winter months and told him that Dan teases me and says I'm overly paranoid about him getting sick. His opinion was that I am doing it just right. He said not to even be around kids with the sniffles because when older kids have RSV it's not that severe but it can be dangerous for babies. I wish Dan had been at the appointment to hear the doctor say it but he couldn't miss work.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Swing pose

In the afternoons we sit out on the swing. Sometimes Moose sits by himself while I water the plants and sometimes sister sits with him. He is so squeezable. Also, he weighed in at 12.12 this week.

Sara has been so awesome with him. She really looks out for him and tries to comfort him. I love that she's a compassionate child. I think she just is, we couldn't have taught her that.

Monday, September 26, 2011

the Moose channel

I'm going to try out something new since the videos I take on my camera are in HD and they are too large to upload and send. I'm going to try putting them on Youtube and just posting the link. I got the cutest video of Brennan laughing today. He loves to be tickled and it always makes him laugh. Let me know if you can't access the video for some reason.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Baths and chairs

Sara wanted to take a bath with Brennan today. It works for me if I can get two kids clean for the price of one. Sara has a skinny little stomach and Brennan's is so round!

Brennan likes to sit up so he can see what's going on. I put him in Daddy's chair and he can rock in it too.

It reminds me of the pics I took of Sara in her Daddy's chair.

Monday, September 19, 2011

The little mashed up bed

More Moose smiles

This little bed has worked for both our kids but it was starting lose its velcro on the little side bumpers. I looked for a new one to buy but they apparently don't sell them anymore. I decided to buy some velcro and put new velcro on it, seems to have worked. Except for the fact that Brennan is so big he does not really fit on it. He's starting to hang over all the sides of it, but he's still so little that he needs something to keep him steady at night so he's not all over the crib.

He has been really hungry all the time. We don't even know where he's putting all the food. He rarely throws up, except when we're in public. I think he's having a major growth spurt or something. He's already starting to wear some of his 3-6 month clothes now. I bought clothes ahead but now the seasons and sizes will be all out of whack because he's so much bigger.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

more Moose pics!

Any excuse to put up more Moose pics will do. Modeling his yellow jamas. He looks so much like Sara in the second yellow jama pic.

He wanted to show everyone how long he's getting. He's as long as my pillow now. I have to kind of fold his legs to fit him in my lap. Tonight he weighed 12.2 which is the biggest yet. He'll be off the growth chart at his 2 month appointment probably.

He is so sweet. He's started to "paw" at my face with his arm and I think he definitely prefers me over Dan right now. He likes to snuggle up as close under my chin as he can get and he loves getting kisses and hates being put down for any reason.

He's been waking up early from his naps so I take him in my room and feed him and let him sleep in my bed with me a little so Sara can finish her nap. I wish I'd had a camera with me to show how sweet he sleeps with his little fists up under his head. Special moments!!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Bath Time

Brennan loves his baths. He likes to lay in his tub and kick his legs. He seems really happy to just sit and soak. He also likes to drink the water off his hands. He never cries or acts scared. I give him a bath every day. He also likes his lotion rub down after the bath and he seems to like the hair dryer too.

Today at my 6 weeks post-op appointment to check on my c-section healing, the doctor reflected on seeing such a big baby come out. He said again that the c-section was good idea. Also he said boys are very often bigger than girls so with Sara being 9 lb when she came out, he wasn't surprised Brennan was bigger.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

A New Day

The diet I've been on seems to be working. I'm eating really plain, eggs, oatmeal, turkey wraps. No special toppings. I've cut out the pecans, coconut, cinnamon, seeds, even my green shakes, etc. Anything that I thought might be bothering him. I'll starting adding them back in one at a time.

He hasn't complained about nursing and he's been drinking his milk just fine that I pump and he didn't have formula all day today. I've got tons of milk in the fridge pumped too so we're in good shape. I hope it stays that way.

Today he weighed 11.7. That's the most I've seen him weigh yet. He does seem bigger to me, longer and bigger. He is a really big baby. His personality is so sweet too. You can't help but want to hold him and see him smile. He loves to look around at things, especially a picture of me on the wall. He can spot me from across the room now and once he spots me he cries until I come pick him up.

Sara has been really good to help with him. She wants to sing him songs, and call him Mr. Moose, and hold his hand.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

All Smiles

I've been trying really hard to capture Brennan's smiles on camera because they are so cute!

Here are a few, I wish the blurry one had turned out better. He smiles so fast and it takes my camera so long to turn on :( At least, hopefully, in the future smiles will be become much more frequent.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

More tummy trouble

Brennan was having more trouble with his stomach today and not wanting to nurse. I've got to figure out what it is that's not agreeing with him. He didn't even want to drink the milk I pumped. As soon as we offered him formula, he gulped it down without hesitation and fell right to sleep.

I did eat ginger, chia seeds, and flax seeds in my green shake today so I will eliminate those I guess. I might just end up eating a really plain diet, eggs and oatmeal = boring. I've got to get him nursing and happy again, this is stressful.

At least with the breast pump I can keep my milk going until I figure it out. With Sara the milk just dried up because she wasn't nursing. So thankful for that breast pump, best investment ever.

I've been reading the internet lots about people who've had these problems and have gotten some really good tips of things to try. I guess if he's still not nursing soon I'll have to see a lactation consultant. I'm trying to stay positive and trust that I'll figure it out.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Mr. Moose Smiles

Brennan has really started smiling a lot. He especially likes it when I call him "Mr. Moose", that usually gets a smile. I think he just likes me though. Dan has tried a few times with no luck. It's been really hard to capture it on camera though because he hates the flash. This pic is actually only the tail-end of a smile while I waited on the camera to boot up. He has a Huge smile!

I'm hoping he keeps the blue eyes that he seems to have, I love them!
His stomach seems back to normal now thankfully and we're back on our normal sleeping schedule. I'm loving the afternoons. He and Sara sleep from 2-5 or 2-6 and it gives me a nice break. I'm able to pump, do some housework, play on Facebook, blog, water the garden, and sleep, all before they get up.

Today I researched how much milk he should be getting. He's still weighing 11.5 and I'm afraid the pediatrician is going to not be happy when we return. I kind of think that my kids just aren't big weight gainers and as long as he's healthy I'm not going to freak out. After all, he's still in the 90th percentile for weight.

Most women say they get 1-3 oz on each side when they pump and that's exactly what I get. So when he nurses he should be getting something like that to eat every time. They are supposed to get 24-30 oz a day so I need to count how many times I feed him and see where he's falling. He's only getting about one 2 oz bottle of formula a day to supplement at night but I have noticed when he gets formula my milk suffers, so I would like to cut that out all together.

Also I have been taking fennel capsules, drinking 1/4 cup of beer every other day, eating oatmeal and granola bars, and eating sprouted Fenugreek. All of that is supposed to help. Not to mention, pumping while he sleeps. I'm determined not to lose my milk this time. I'm so happy we invested in a good breast pump, it has made a huge difference, really kicking myself I didn't do that for Sara.

When I start to feel better I want to really exercises a lot, not sure yet how that will affect my milk though. I guess I'll have to see. Probably climbing Mt. Timp is out this year though. I just can't be away from the pump or the little sucker that long. NEXT YEAR for sure though!