Monday, September 19, 2011

The little mashed up bed

More Moose smiles

This little bed has worked for both our kids but it was starting lose its velcro on the little side bumpers. I looked for a new one to buy but they apparently don't sell them anymore. I decided to buy some velcro and put new velcro on it, seems to have worked. Except for the fact that Brennan is so big he does not really fit on it. He's starting to hang over all the sides of it, but he's still so little that he needs something to keep him steady at night so he's not all over the crib.

He has been really hungry all the time. We don't even know where he's putting all the food. He rarely throws up, except when we're in public. I think he's having a major growth spurt or something. He's already starting to wear some of his 3-6 month clothes now. I bought clothes ahead but now the seasons and sizes will be all out of whack because he's so much bigger.

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