Tuesday, September 6, 2011

A New Day

The diet I've been on seems to be working. I'm eating really plain, eggs, oatmeal, turkey wraps. No special toppings. I've cut out the pecans, coconut, cinnamon, seeds, even my green shakes, etc. Anything that I thought might be bothering him. I'll starting adding them back in one at a time.

He hasn't complained about nursing and he's been drinking his milk just fine that I pump and he didn't have formula all day today. I've got tons of milk in the fridge pumped too so we're in good shape. I hope it stays that way.

Today he weighed 11.7. That's the most I've seen him weigh yet. He does seem bigger to me, longer and bigger. He is a really big baby. His personality is so sweet too. You can't help but want to hold him and see him smile. He loves to look around at things, especially a picture of me on the wall. He can spot me from across the room now and once he spots me he cries until I come pick him up.

Sara has been really good to help with him. She wants to sing him songs, and call him Mr. Moose, and hold his hand.

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