Thursday, August 18, 2011

25 Days

Brennan is 25 Days old and it seems like he's already been here forever with us.  Above is his first photo.  I think Dan took it on his iphone and then he brought the phone over to me as I was laying on the operating table so I could see Brennan better.

He seems really strong and will hold his head up a lot of the time. He is getting tummy time already and holds his head up and looks around. He was also able to roll himself over onto his back from his tummy this week. I would have thought it was just a fluke except he did it three times. I told Dan that seems rather early, usually babies are about three months old before they can roll themselves over.

Brennan's favorite things are to eat and sleep. He's great at both. He also has enjoyed looking at us more, he makes eye contact a lot.

He really lets you know when he's hungry or tired, he throws a big fit and really wrinkles up his face but once you give him what he wants he settles down very quickly and is mellow.

We are watching his weight and making sure he is gaining. I am pumping extra, giving formula, and breast feeding him. The scale says he's up a few ounces. We can already tell that the diapers we just bought him are fitting tighter, he feels solid, especially around his middle.

I'm trying to increase my milk to keep up with him. He can drink a 3oz bottle in about 10 seconds. I'm able to pump about 6 oz twice a day and then sometimes 2 or 3 oz here or there while he sleeps. I've been drinking a beer every other day, it's supposed to help milk production and it seems to really be helping a lot. I just wish I liked beer more, it takes me a whole day to drink one.

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