Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Moose's first bath

Brennan took his first real bath today since his umbilical chord fell off about 10 days ago. He was either terrified or really liked it because he sat perfectly still the whole time. It was nice with all the pooping that he does to be able to give him a soak and feel like he got clean. I have been giving him washcloth baths with no soap, just warm water, but that only goes so far.

He had two major blowout poops today, one got all over my shirt and my pillow. I've started to try to keep him wrapped in a blanket when he's on my lap to prevent the massive blowouts. They happen suddenly, loudly, and without any kind of warning causing everyone to jump, even Brennan.

I've been really thankful that he and Sara take their naps at the same time. Today I got three hours sleep along with them. I really needed it too because I only got a few hours the night before. Tonight we "woke" him up at 8 p.m. (he goes to be at 7) to go to the park with us. He didn't even really wake up, we just put him in his car seat and clipped him into the stroller and then upon arriving back home, he went soundly back into his bed. When he got up at midnight he ate and went right back to sleep, he seemed extra tired. I hope he sleeps until 4 a.m. or later now.

It's hard to believe that Brennan is a month old today! Wow, the time really flew by. I really need to try to enjoy every moment. He'll be big like Sara before we know it.

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