Monday, August 22, 2011

Swatting the Elephants

Brennan really has gotten good at bonking his elephant toy. It's a jingling elephant toy that swings above his head when he lays in his jungle gym. He swatted at it for a good 10 minutes this morning.

For some reason, he was up every hour last night. Luckily he slept this afternoon so I could get some sleep. I wonder if he gets any caffeine that I might eat in his milk. There didn't appear to be anything wrong with him last night, he just kept waking up.

He's been consistently weighing 11 lbs and a few oz's this week so I think he has gained a little weight.

Brennan is also getting more and more interactive. He will focus on me and watch me intensively. He does the best when I put him down to play, if I hold him he will relentlessly beg for food. He makes a loud "barking" cry if he's really ready to be picked up. If he's cold, sometimes that happens after his bath, he frowns really big and says "weh" when he cries. It's really cute, I need to get it on tape. He really will only cry if he's hungry or if he's tired so it's pretty easy to figure out what he needs. I feel like I understand him really well and he's really simple and I feel successful taking care of him. Sara was really hard to figure out and Dan did most of her comforting and care. He seemed to always understand her needs better.

We swaddle him to help him go to sleep. The tighter he is swaddled the better he will sleep. Dan is the way better swaddler, he does the wrap so tight that Brennan grunts every time he puts the wrap around him. He can usually escape out of mine and then he will end up sucking on his fist and he won't sleep well. When I get really desperate for him to sleep though, I can usually get it right.

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