Saturday, August 20, 2011


Brennan slept most of the day today. Tonight we went up to Salt Lake for his cousin Benny's third birthday party. I was unsure whether we should try to make the trip but decided to just go for it. The drive up was uneventful but upon arrival we discovered that Brennan had done a massive poop that soaked halfway up the back of his onsie and onto his car seat pad behind him. He can really make a mess! Luckily I had brought him a change of clothes and we got him cleaned up without even having to cut his onsie off.

We were happy that he got to see his grandparents and Ben and Wendy but we didn't stay long. We booked it for home. It's hard to travel and be on the road with a baby, even for short trips.

I'm hoping everyone gets some sleep tonight. Dan has been so great to let me sleep in late in the mornings and he has been getting up to do the 5 a.m. feeding. Today I also got flowers because as Dan said, "I'm a good Mom".

It's hard to believe Brennan will be 4 weeks old on Monday. Next week Sara's music class starts back. I'm a little nervous about handling two kids during the class, I hope it goes well.

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