Friday, August 26, 2011


Today I kept thinking how thankful I am for Brennan, he is so sweet and I love getting up and seeing him, even at 2 a.m. So far he is a much easier baby than Sara was. Even though I'm still not getting a ton of sleep. I hope he stays like he is and doesn't change too much because he is very easy to take care of and I don't feel stressed at all.

Dan really likes Brennan too. He stares at him and gives him kisses, you can tell he is really fond of him.

Brennan really likes to ride in the car. He hardly cries at all when we get into the car. Today we took a short ride just to calm him down. Sara gives me status updates on him from the back seat. She tells me if he's awake or asleep and what he's doing. She likes to inform me if he poops or has hiccups.

Tonight he seemed the most interactive yet. If you say something to him he looks at you. He loves to stare at my face for long periods of time. I swear that when I tell him to burp after eating, he knows what it means and he burps. He really holds up his head very well now and he kicks with his legs a lot, he is very strong.

I'm pretty sure he's gotten a lot longer and somewhat bigger. He's looking less chunky and a lot longer to me, I'll have to try to measure him soon. Today the scale said 11.5.

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