Friday, August 19, 2011

A sick day

Brennan seemed to feel sick today. He threw up a lot more than normal. I hope it's just a fluke and not a pattern starting up or a sign that he's really sick. He hardly ever throws up so it's out of the ordinary. By the end of the day today we were all covered in baby puke and poop. I give Brennan a wipe down bath every day but he really needed it today.

Also, last night he had a massive poop diaper. It exploded out the back of his diaper and up his back. It was so bad that I ended up cutting his onesie off of him and throwing it away. He's a real pooper, we had poop on the floor the other day and we're not even sure how it got out of his diaper as it wasn't on us or his clothes. Also he has massive farts that scare everyone. With Sara she would scream so you knew something was coming but with him they just boom out without warning.

In other news, his umbilical chord stump has finally fallen off so he can have a normal bath soon. He doesn't seem to like water all that much yet so I'm not sure he'll really enjoy it.

I only got three hours sleep last night staying up with him. I hope we all get more sleep tonight.

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