Sunday, November 13, 2011

3.5 months old

Moose has lots of names. Sara and I have made up most of them. Sometimes we call him Moosa or his Russian name is Mooska. I don't think we even need the name Brennan anymore.

Moosa is doing great eating his food. He eats about 3-5 tablespoons of rice cereal a day and this week we added Banana too. He eats 2-3 tablespoons of that. I'm hoping to try out avocado next week. He can also have cooked apricots and pears, according to the Super Baby Food book. His foods are limited however until he turns 6 months old, then he can be much more adventurous.

Sara really loves her brother, it's so sweet. If he's crying she always comes over to him to see if there is something she can do. She will go get his pacifier, she pets his head, holds his hand, and gives him kisses. Tonight she wanted to give him kisses and hugs before bed. I'm so proud of the way she has treated him. She rarely gets jealous and most of the time just wants to help make him happy.

Mooska is now much better at holding up his head. He can mostly do it without any support now. I hiked with him in the baby carrier and he was facing outward for the first time. He loved it. I wish it wasn't just about to be wintery weather so we could go on more hikes. Maybe it will be a mild one.

He still cries a ton and hates to be put down. I hope as he starts to approach 6 months old and is able to sit up and be more self sufficient that he won't complain so much. His ears hopefully are healed and aren't causing him pain. He is teething pretty bad. He drools and chews on his hands constantly. At night it seems to bother him worse. Every night I rub a wet rag on his gums as he bites down on it and it seems to make him feel better, sometimes I do that for a good twenty minutes.

His sleeping is hit or miss. Some nights he'll sleep 5 or 6 hours, others he's up every 2 hours. I recently ate some dark chocolate and some licorice that I think really did him in. It turned my milk brown and I had to dump out some of it because he wouldn't even eat it. It gave him lots of huge burps and I think it woke him up a lot. Hopefully things will be more peaceful now and I'll try to avoid those things.

I can't get him to nap very well at all during the day. He likes to take little 20 minute cat naps, in his bouncer or wherever he is. If I put him in his bed he almost always wakes up. Today we put him in a huge puffy snowsuit to go on a walk. By the time we got back home he had long been asleep so I left him in it. He slept another 4 hours like that. The snowsuit immobilized him and was probably warm and cozy. Maybe he needs to take naps in snowsuits every day.

Every time I weight him he weighs more. This week he weighed 14.5. I predict that by Christmas he's 15lb's. It's so odd having a baby that gains weight because with Sara we struggled for every single pound. I think now especially that he's eating solids already he'll keep gaining at a steady rate.

1 comment:

  1. Love the update - both the pics & narrative. Bet he'll be relieved to find out his real name is Brennan one day:)
