Saturday, November 5, 2011

He Eats!!!

Brennan was really chewing his fists and sucking on them loudly starting about three weeks ago. I asked his doctor if he saw any evidence of him teething already and he said no. We were making him bottles as fast as he could drink them, every thirty minutes. He still seemed hungry so we went out on a limb and decided to try solid food, early. We started him right as he turned three months. Here's a new Moosey eats video.

He has done great with it, in fact he loves to eat. He eats about 3 bowls of rice cereal a day, sometimes 2 at a time. He's really good at swallowing and prefers to even hold the spoon. I usually have to get two spoons because he's got such a grip on the one that I can't get it away from him. I'm excited for him to be able to try other foods in a few months, I think he will really like sweet potatoes and peas. He already eats way better than Sara ever did. She hated rice cereal, which still pretty much fits her personality.

I'm also really proud of the fact that I'm still breast feeding him. I'm able to feed him half and half. He usually gets 2 oz of breast milk and 2 of formula at a feeding. It's better than no breast milk and I'm glad I've been able to keep some of it going. He probably gets total about 10 oz of it a day. I'll keep pumping as long as there is milk. Nursing doesn't really go so well so really the only time I nurse him is if he gets up at 3 a.m. It usually puts him back to sleep quickly. I'm still drinking a beer every other day and that really helps, plus I eat oatmeal which seems to work too. I haven't had to watch what I eat as much, nothing seems to bother him anymore. I still haven't tried coconut or mango and I don't eat any nuts except walnuts.

Just for fun the other day I gave him a piece of parsley from the garden just to see what he'd do. He tried to chew on it a little bit.

We recently got him a baby exersaucer so that he could sit upright (which I thought would help his ear pain). He seems to like it OK. He likes chewing on the toys and it has spring loaded legs for when he gets bigger and wants to bounce.

His ears finally seem to be getting better. He has responded better to this antibiotic than any of the other three. Also I decided I couldn't drive into Provo every 2 or 3 days if he is going to have repeated ear infections so I took him to a pediatrician here in Spanish Fork. His name is Dr Bennett and he got lots of good recommendations. So far we really like him and I think we'll stick with it. It's nice having his doctor 5 minutes away. His staff was really bragging on him too, saying he never takes a day off because he loves his work. I'm crossing my fingers that Brennan does not have any more ear infections but if he does I hope that we can keep using this doctor well into the future.

Now that he's feeling better he is so much fun. He laughs a lot more and likes it when you raise him slowly above your head or make various noises, he really gets to giggling. He still laughs in his sleep too which is one of my very favorite things about him, it's really funny.

Moosey has really grown, he is now 14 pounds and has outgrown his 0-3 months clothes. He is wearing his 6 month jammies now. His feet outgrew his jammies first but the rest of him was getting to be a tight fit.

He's starting to talk more, he'll make specific noises to protest something or to try to get our attention. I also am loving how his hair stands up like little fuzz on the top of his head. His eyes are looking blue and I hope they can stay that way. I'm so excited to see what he looks like at 6 months and 1 year. I think he'll be a cute little guy.

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